Chapter 10: Uh-Oh

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Skylar's POV (unedited)

It's been 2 weeks since the whole instagram photo incident happened , Well at least the whole thing subsided,  I have never been this glad my whole life, Okay I was exaggerating that one , Of course I've been more happier but ugh. why am I even explaining these things.

There wasn't any interesting things that happened here at school , well maybe some but not that big to get the whole school's attention.

I'm currently sitting at class and soo close to dozing off if it wasn't for ashton who keeps bothering me. Why did the teacher have to transfer him next to me. Her explanation was ' Ashton needs guidance and since you're a Good student, well at least according to your records , will you please help him understand his lessons?' she was giving me the you-don't-have-a-choice look so I didn't really have a choice now did I?

"Soo Sky, can you tutor me later? I'll go to your house" Ashton said giving me his puppy dog eyes. "Nope" I said popping the 'p'. "Whyyyy??" He said dragging the y longer. "Beacause I said so" I said sticking my tongue out to him.

"Meanie!" Ashton Pouted and crossed his arms , he resembled a kid whose candy got stolen. He's adorable. What am I saying, I'm dating someone at the moment. Oh I didn't tell you? hehe oopsie? yeah that's right I'm dating someone and His name is Matthew Daniels , I met him at some party my brother dragged me into, I was so bored and had a drink or five, I was on my way to the washroom that time because I was feeling nauseous then I bumped into him and then couldn't hold it anymore so I got puke all over him.

Not a very good start if you ask me, I know.. But since Matt's nice He said it was ok, isn't he Nice?!. Ever since we've been hanging out then he asked me on a date then all those stuff. Matt and I have been dating for 4 months now. And yeah we're exclusive.

Soo back to Ashton, He's still being a kid all with he's pouting. "puhleeeaasseee!!!!" he said batting his eyelashes. "Fiiiiine!" I huffed "Just pleease behave kay?" I said "Of course, when did I ever Misbehave?" he said cockily "Oh just like ALL the time" I replied sarcastically. "Oh stop being a buzz kill sky, I'm just trying to enjoy LIFE! " He said shouting the last part which got the attention of the whole class including the teacher. 

"Would you like to share what you were saying Mr. Cole?" our teacher said "I'd rather not ma'am" Ashton said completely unaffected. "No , I insist Mr. Cole" I can Imagine steam coming out of her ears. I snickered at that thought "Is there anything funny Ms. Parker?" She asked turning her attention to me. "Umm nothing ma'am an ant crawled at my foot and I'm very ticklish" I lied well at least It was pretty believable, It think? I guess those acting classes will come in handy after all. She just nodded and completely forgot the whole thing with Ashton, lucky son of a bitch

"You owe me one, Cole" I said " In Fact , I do , And I like it when you call me by my last name" He winked at me. I playfully punched his arm. "Ow!" He said rubbing his arms, At least he didn't shout again or that might earn him a detention. So maybe you're thinking 'oh she's concerned for him' Well yeah I am  because we've been hanging out and I gues we're friends , again I guess.

"Oh stop being such a baby" I teased a little bit loud which earned me a glare from the teacher which instantly shut me up. I wouldn't want another detention now would I? Considering the last time I did brought a lot of problems to my life. 

Ok I shouldn't be thinking about that Detention, I think I was overreacting anyways. The day Passed by quickly and the moment I was dreading finally came. This is The first time I ever hated dismissal. I'm currently waiting for ashton at the parking lot. I've been standing here for 10 minutes already, where the heck is that dude?. I pulled out my phone from my pocket and Called Ashton. It rung for about 4 times before he picked up. "Hey" Ashton said. "Hey yourself. Where you at? I've been standing here for 10 minutes already." I half yelled. I wasn't really mad I just wanted to add some effect so he would go out already. "Oh Shit. I forgot hihi .I'm coming out seeya!" 

"Y-" I looked at my phone gasping. He hung up on me.The little fucker just hung up on me.

I saw ashton making his way to my car. "Hey sorry I was just hanging out inside and it totally slipped my mind" Ashton said rather too quickly. "No prob. sooo let's go?" I asked him. He just nodded.

I slid into my car. I brought my own today because I was running a little late this morning so ?I told Alex and London to not pick me up today. Ashton followed suit. 

The car ride to my house was quite entertaining.Ahton was singing along to the song played on the radio and may I add, he was singing off-key waaaaayy tooo off-key. I wsihed I got it on video but I was driving and I didn't want to be on a car crash.

I parked in our driveway didn't want to go to the garage considering all our cars are in there, I wouldn't want ashton to see all of that now do I? I invited him inside of course I couldn't tutor him outside, that's just plain stupid. 

"Go upstairs second door to your right that's my room , I'll just go get some snacks" I told ashton. "Okay. oh and please get some chocolates" He grinned at me.

I made my way to the kitchen and saw my brother's note 'Went to go somewhere seeya tomorrow -your hot brother' I almost gagged at the 'hot brother' part. Well it's true but what kind of sister thinks her brother is hot? that's disturbing , Like really disturbing.

I know how to cook a lot of stuff but I'm to lazy to cook something today so I just made some sandwiches and mine was a turkey and tomato panini and I just made ashton a regular sandwich cause I don't know what he likes. And got some chocolates for ashton and some drinks.

I was gonna go upstairs when my phone rang. It was my manager "Hola!" I said, I'm quite weird on answering the phone. "gosh! tone down your voice, It's hurting my eardrums." my manager said "He he Sorry?" I said sheepishly. "So what do you need?" I asked. "Well I just wanted to remind you that I already sent your schedule on your mail and that you should go for a run tomorrow"

"Okay I'll check it later. Ashton came over and said he needed tutoring so Me being the nice me agrred to tutor him." I said chuckling at the end of the sentence. "Yeah Yeah whatever, just be cacreful okay?" She reminded.I don't know why she said that. It's not like Ashton was a serial killer or something " Okay even though you don't make any sense. K. Byee!!" I hung up on her so she wouldn't have time to respond.

I made my way to my room and when I got there My heart literally stopped when I saw what ashton was holding. I almost dropped the food I was holding but I just gripped it tighter. I'm in some deep shit right now.



Ok again Sorry I haven't updated for over a month , well I think it's over a month, I'm not sure though.

I had a terrible case of Writer's Block gaah It was Annoying. 

I would sit in front of my computer staring at a blank page and just stare at it because I couldn't think of anything to write so I took a break from writing and just read a lot of books and eventually I thought of something to write and then tada!

I don't actually have a complete storyline like other writers. these things just pop into my mind so I'm really sorry for the late update

Soo here's the suuuper late update!

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