As a result, I started to focus on getting stronger and decided to grow Hades as my own army. I taught them <Instant Blink>, <Cloud Treading Steps> and <Zap Punch> so that they would get stronger. I also made them partner up with each other and told them to fight each other every day.

At first, they were just having fun with each other, but I forced them to punch harder and throw insults at each other. The fights soon became real and if the fight turned into a brawl, I would punish both of them harshly and soon everyone became skilled fighters.

I then made them fight in groups, and the person who they have been insulted and beating up became their best friend. At first, they protested but I started to beat whoever disagreed and eventually, the two people who were beating up each other and insulting each other daily became best friends.

Since everyone was roughly of the same strength, nobody died or got seriously injured. The hunters also got stronger and could hunt weak spirit beasts right now, so our food problem disappeared.

Soon, the temperature dropped and it meant that winter was coming. But before winter could arrive, an old bearded man found our base. He strolled into our base like it was his backyard and nobody noticed his intrusion. He walked as if he had the layout of our base at the back of his palm and entered my tent.

Since you cannot enter a tent without making any noise, I quickly turned around once I heard the tent's entrance moving and looked at this stranger entering my tent. The old man had sharp eyes and exquisite features, making him look really attractive for someone of his age. His eyebrows and hair are completely white and he also has a long white beard.

Just like the majority of old men in this world, he is also wearing a robe. Perhaps I will introduce some new fashion trends to this world. I am getting sick of how everyone wears nothing but robes.

"Shang Shi?" He says.

The second I hear my name coming out of his mouth, I execute instant blink and try to punch his gut!

*PAK* the sound of my fist hitting flesh sounds out loudly.

He caught my punch with his bare hands?!

"Not a bad decision, but I am not your enemy Shi er." The old man calmly says, as if I was not a threat to him at all.

I quickly pull my fist out of his grasp and jump backwards. If he can catch my punch, he should be a lot stronger than me. Unfortunately, there is only one entrance to the tent and if I have to escape, that is the only way out.

"I am your grandfather Shi er. My name is Meng Xiu Feng. I also have a title which is Meng Dao and your mother, Meng Zhi Rou, is my daughter." The old man said slowly.

Chapter 97 – Grandfather

"My grandfather?" I blurt out in surprise.

Meng Xiu Feng is looking at me with a gentle smile while nodding his head and says "Why aren't you calling me grandfather since you know that I am your grandfather?"

I relax my stance and lower my guard since he will not attack me as long as he is trying to be my grandfather. I look at him and say "I don't know you. I've never seen you before in my entire life."

His smile freezes immediately and he makes a sad expression as he says, "Your mother left the family to protect you...If I visited you, it would have wasted all of your mother's effort to separate herself from the family. Here, I have a letter that your mother wrote to me, you should recognise her handwriting and seal right?" He shakes his hand and a letter appears in his hands.

A space ring!

This world has space rings! I stare at the space ring in shock.

Meng Xiu Feng sees my shocked expression as he passes me the letter and says, "This is a spatial ring. It can hold things that have no life in them and is hard to get but not impossible for powerful cultivators. This is because only meteorites can be fashioned into a spatial ring and meteorites always seem to fall on our world. Powerful cultivators can also pull some meteors towards our world if they need to fashion a spatial ring. If you want one, I can give you one later."

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