Chapter 19 - Qi Flowing Through My Body

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Inside the carriage, my father quickly tells the driver to stop. He then puts the two spirit stones that I dropped back on my palms and tell me to hold it tightly. The second I hold the spirit stones tightly, the pain increases as the suction force suddenly grows stronger.

My father then grabs me with one arm and tosses me over his shoulder like how a person would carry a bag of rice. He exits the carriage with me and floats up into the air and flies towards the direction of our house.


Upon reaching our house, he puts me down outside the yard and says "You must finish absorbing these two spirit stones and never fall unconscious or you will die. I will be here with you the entire time, do not worry about anything else and keep on absorbing the qi from the spirit stone.

My father then runs back into the house and when he comes out, my mother, brother and sister have also come out to watch me enter the realm of Qi flow. They all have a worried look on their face and my siblings tries to run towards me but my mother catches them and holds them with one arm each.

"Big brother!!! Don't dieeeeee! Boohooohoooo" my sister cries.

My brother, however, shouts a different thing "Tell me who bullied you! I will go beat them up!!" but he too, seems to be crying as he is already starting to tear up.

Ahhh, God, if you did anything good for me, it would be that you gave me such a wonderful family this life. I'm not sure if my brother and sister will still like me when they grow up, but I really like them right now.

Soon, the winds have become noticeably stronger and I seem to be the source that is causing the winds to get stronger as it looks like I am the eye of a tornado right now. As my pain gets worse, my father throws thirty more spirit stones towards me and the qi in the spirit stone is somehow drawn out and contributes to the tornado around me.

As I draw more and more qi from the spirit stone and the surrounding, the vast amount of qi in my body starts to move and every time it moves, it feels like someone is trying to drive a screw through my veins, causing massive pain. I cannot help but shout in pain and then I hear a familiar beep sound.


"Host, stand up and run the standing meditation internal exercise or you will die. You have gathered too much qi and it cannot form a flow on its own without external assistance. While you will not get a chance to gain a heavenly pathway this way, at the very least, you will not die."

I am in so much pain and I cannot even be bothered to reply the system so I just do my very best to stand up and follow what the system has said.

I send all my strength to my arms and push my body up which is slumped on the ground like a dead fish right now. I can feel myself unconsciously grinding my teeth and I put energy into my legs to stand up, but my knees are obviously shaking.

At this point, I am already deaf and cannot hear anything due to the pain. In a hunched position, I stop caring and just try my best to run the standing meditation. It hurts so much. It hurts so much!

I successfully finish a quarter of the exercise and then fall on the ground. I can't stand up anymore. I just continue running the internal exercise.

Amazingly it did not fail to run properly but it was slower when I executed the standing mediation while standing. It was also harder for the qi to flow while lying on the ground. It was clear that only someone familiar with the standing meditation could run it while lying down.

The pain became a lot bearable once I had finished a cycle and after 8 more cycles, the pain was completely gone. I kept it running for another 72 cycles and I felt okay. The pain was gone. I opened my eyes which was shut from the pain and then from the standing meditation and everything was much clearer. I could see further than I ever could and I felt like I could zoom in a little bit as well, but it wasn't enough to make much of a difference.

"Big brother? R u okay? Did u cry finish?" my brother asked....

I blinked a few times at him...and said: "I did not cry...."

My sister who was still crying opened her eyes and looked at her, then wriggled her way out of our mother's embrace and then jumped on to me and started crying again.

"Wuuuuu. Big brother dun dieeeeeeee" she cried...


After my sister finished crying, my mother walked towards me and said: "you should go have a bath now."

It was only then did I realize that my father was far away from the 4 of us, pinching his nose.

Ahhhh....? Are these the impurities that are being secreted out of my body that those web novels always talked about? I thought to myself.


[Congratulations, you have not achieved a heavenly pathway but your vast amounts of qi seem to have created something better than the heavenly pathway. Please check your status for more information."

"A heavenly pathway...."I mutter...

My mother makes a puzzled look and says "Shi er, how do you know about the heavenly pathway? Did you achieve creating the heavenly pathway?"

"Ah? No. Ma, what is a heavenly pathway?" I ask curiously.

"The heavenly pathway is the biggest and widest qi pathways you can form when entering the realm of Qi flow. As you now know, that you collect qi in your body in the body formation realm until you are full, these qi that you collect when your body is empty do not move and are stationary," she explains the initial realm

"When your body is full and cannot store anymore, the excess qi you collect will start to push the qi out of the spot where they are and make it flow around. When these qi moves, they will create qi pathways in your body and the bigger and wider these pathways are, the better it is and we call the best pathway the heavenly pathway. Now you should go bath before you stink us all to death....what did you eat to secreted so much foul smelling impurities..." my mother runs away as she finishes explaining and my brother and sister also run after her, pinching their nose, shouting "SMELLY BUNS".


In the bathroom, I had to scrub myself with some strength to get rid of these black, sticky impurities. While scrubbing, I ask the system for my status.



[Name: Shang Shi | Age: 11 | Body: 9 | Mind: 0]

[Vitality: 10 | Strength: 10 | Agility 12 | Intelligence 7 | Dexterity: 11 ]

"These are my stats?" I mutter in shock.

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