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Alice POV:
We met the mutts at the treaty line. There were eight of them. Sam, Embry, Paul, Jacob, Leah, Seth, Quil and Jared.
"I'm going to have to translate for them" Edward told us.
We nodded.
"We understand you need to speak with us?" Edward asked for the wolves.
"Yes, my daughter Alice had a vision about Bella Swan, her friend Sam Winchester and his girlfriend Jessica. This Jessica girl, was pinned to a ceiling, with a large cut in her stomach. The house they were in was on fire. Bella and her friend Sam are both fine but Jessica is dead. We are informing you because it wasn't the work of a vampire nor a human. We can only imagine it was caused by someone of your species" Carlisle informed them.
"We assure you it is no one from our pack. When was the last time you have been in contact with Bella?Charlie doesn't know where she is now, she obviously left Jericho, California. She hasn't spoken to him since they said their goodbyes the day she left" Edward explained for the wolves.
"We haven't talked to her since then either, and even then it wasn't a conversation, she ignored me. Then halfway through the school day the Winchester boy's arrive and took her. My vision took place was in Stanford, just a few streets from the University there..... So maybe Sam was going home to his girlfriend but she was dead when he got home" I concluded.
"If so, Bella won't be coming back anytime soon. Sam Winchester is her ex-boyfriend, but they decided to just be friends. So she'll stay until he's feeling better, but I'm guessing they haven't found Uncle John so, she's not coming back yet" Edward said, obviously for Jacob.
Uncle John?
"We could try to find her. Surely she wouldn't be difficult to track" Emmett suggested.
The wolf known as Jacob ran into the woods.
"Where's he going?" Rosalie inquired.
"He's going to shift and talk to us, he doesn't like me reading his mind" Edward told us.
Jacob then came back out in human form.
"That tattoo she got, it also covers her scent and shuts off her mind from prying eyes. Not even Vampire can track her now. And you'd only be able to get glimpses of her future now" Jacob answered Emmett's suggestion from earlier.
"You said 'also'. What else is it?" Esme enquired.
"I don't know. That's all Dad told me. Charlie didn't say much either, he said, 'she had to get it'. But I know Charlie, Uncle John and Dad have the same tattoo" Jacob informed us.
"Yes well apparently Charlie and Bella were in some sort of business but quit. At least that's what we gathered from what Angela Webber informed us of and Bella's conversation with the Winchester's" Edward said.
"Jacob? Who are Jasmine and Bobby Singer?" I inquired.
"Uncle Bobby and Jazzy? Why do you want to know about them?" Jacob asked, confused.
"Maybe they can get in contact with Bella" I suggested.
"Maybe, I mean, Bobby can track anyone. And Bella's probably called Jasmine by now. I'll call Jazzy" Jacob told us.
He took his phone out and dialled the number. It was answered in seven seconds.
"Hello?" Jasmine answered.
"Hey Jazzy, it's Jacob. I was wondering if Bella's contacted you lately. See, Charlie doesn't know where she is right now and last we know she was in Jericho with Sam and Dean, looking for Uncle John" Jacob informed her.
"Hey Jake, yeah she called me while she was in Jericho. Can't tell you anymore 'cause she doesn't want to be found..... Bye Jake, gotta go" Jasmine hung up.
Jacob put his phone away while sighying.
"She doesn't wanna be found.... It's gonna be difficult, almost impossible to find her" Jacob sighed.
"She'll slip up, quite literally" Rosalie laughed.
"You guys think she's just some clumbsy human don't you? Bella is an awesome fighter. Hand to hand combat and with weapons too" Jacob smirked.
"Bella can fight?" Jasper enquired, intrigued.
"Hell yeah she can. She was trained by Uncle John, he's an Ex-Marine. She can hit hard too. Back when human hits could actually affect me, she punched me on the arm, mockingly, but it hurt like hell. I could tell she wasn't trying to hit hard either. Her arm was too relaxed" Jacob huffed, in a proud way (if that's even possible).
"Woah" Emmett exclaimed.
"Yeah woah, you should see her drive. It scares the the shit out of me, not for just her life but mine too, that's how fast she goes. Must've got that from Dean" Jacob chuckled.
"It doesn't bother you that she's keeping secrets from you?" Edward remarked.
"No, she'd tell me if it was important" Jacob argued.
"This sounds important. Why would she have a secret life, as Jessica Stanley put it the other day?" I demanded.
"If she wanted us to know she would've told us" Jacob disagreed.
"A hunter?" Edward asked, confused.
What? As in animals?
"Stay the hell out of my head!" Jacob snarled.
"If you know something. You need to tell us" Emmett pleaded.
"All I know is that when Uncle John's wife Mary died, he needed a hobby so Uncle Bobby taught him how to start hunting animals and John taught Sam, Bells, Jazzy, Dean, Dad and I how to as well" Jacob shrugged.
"You don't seem very worried about your Uncle" Esme pointed out.
"John goes missing a lot" Jacob shrugged.
"Right. And what were Bella and the Winchester's talking about when they said John was on a case?" Rosalie said.
"John's a criminal investigator. And he taught us about how to be one. Last I heard, Dean's about to take the final test. But Jazzy gave up and started to work as a informer with Uncle Bobby, Bella was taken by Renee, Dad bought me here after mum died and Sam decided to go to college and become a lawyer" Jacob, once again, shrugged.
"So what? Bella and the Winchester's decide to take over John's case because he went missing? Aren't there other investigators?" I asked, suspicious that he may be lying.
"Not as good as the Winchester's. Besides, they probably won't dispatch any more cause they think he's just disappeared again" Jacob informed.
"He must be really good if they don't fire him for disappearing often" Rosalie scoffed.
Jacob only nodded. Suddenly his phone rang.
It was Jasmine.
"Jazzy? What's up?" Jacob answered.
"I'm sending you Bella's new phone number, along with Sam and Dean's. Call her" Jasmine rushed, then hung up.
As promised, Jacob's phone lit up with a new text message.
He dialed the one that was surely Bella's, it rang for three seconds then answered.
"Jake!" Bella's voice came.
"Bells! Where are you? Why haven't you called Charlie? He's freaking out" Jacob told her.
"Jake... Listen, I'm not going to be coming home for a while, if at all. Promise me you'll look after Charlie" Bella demanded.
"Of course I will..... Bella where are you?" Jacob asked.
"Honestly?" Bella laughed.
"Izzy? Can you pass me the machete? It's in my bag" Sam Winchester was faintly heard.
What's he going to use that for?!
"Which one?" Bella queried.
How many does he have?!
"The one dad got me" Sam told Bella.
He got a MACHETE from his FATHER?!
"K, here" Bella said.
"Bella? Look, just please, come home soon" Jacob pleaded.
"I will, eventually. Tell the Cullen's not to look for me or my future. And tell Charlie that I miss him" Bella insisted.
"I will. We miss you. Tell the guys hi for us yeah?" Jacob laughed softly.
"I will, I miss you guys too okay? Hey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later okay? Bye" Bella rushed at the end, then hung up.
"Yeah, bye" Jacob sighed, even though she had hung up.
He put the phone back in his pocket.

Sorry for this chapter not being very good.
just to clear up any confusion: Billy and Jake are retired hunters. Also, Jacob has gotten over his little crush.

I won't be posting for a while as I want to finish the story, before I post more chapters. Without the pressure of wanting to post as soon as possible, means I have more time to edit, etc. I hope you can understand.

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