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"i can't believe it's monday, i think i'm having a heart attack," maeyeon checked her pulse for reasurance.

jihye rolled her eyes, taking off her headset "i know, you say that every monday."

"it's the start of exams week tomorrow," she shouted "sacré bleu."

jihye sigh "stop this holy blue thingy."

she put two thumbs up on the air with a million dollar smile.

"na jaemin won't be happy if he sees an nctzen like this."

maeyeon smiled instantly, her lips curled to the corners of her cheeks, creating a cute expression.

"happiness," jihye sang out loud "lalalalalala."

"ew stop," she placed her hand on jihye's mouth.

they both laughed, causing the whole room to look at them, weirdly.

"what's up with you two," lexi raised her brow with a question clearly forming in her mind.

"probably nct," mimi said uninterested, as she held her phone, reading wattpad.

"oh how did you know?," jihye replied with sarcasm.

"good morning class," ms. kim greeted as she entered the class full of students.

maeyeon quickly sat in the front and opened her textbook.

"for our topic today we are going to talk about life."

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