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I turn to Em, who is standing in front of me, as we stand on the other side of the large black door, the only thing between us and the four boys, that my friend deeply loves. She turns to me, a wide set smile clearly visible, "Go in first?" She pouts, sticking out her bottom lip, as she scans my face for my answer. I roll my eyes and let out a small sigh.

"I don't even like them," I moan, as she looks down, clearly looking disappointed. I again, let out a small sigh as I move in front of her, as she takes a step back, leaving room for me.

"Thank you" She whispers in my ear as I rest my hand on the cool metal handle, taking in a deep breath as I turn the knob. "You still have never truly told me why you don't like them," she rocks back and fourth on her heels.

"I just don't.." I sigh, instantly thinking of Luke, as I swing open the door, revealing an empty dressing room.

"Whatever you say," she shrugs, pushing a little past me, to get into the dressing room to see it's empty, "Oh.." She looks around, searching for any evidence that they were here.

"Sorry, I guess we were too late," I sigh, feeling a little guilty. A couple of voices, coming from the corridor, getting louder by the second. Em and I turn to stare at each other, unsure what to do, as there's no where to hide, just a couch and a few seats in front of the mirror, filling the empty room.

"It's them" She whispers, her eyes wide, staring at me for a plan, again, as usual. I just shrug as the Australian accents become more apparent. I stare at Em with wide eyes as it suddenly occurs to me; that I'm actually going to see Luke. Luke; the one boy, who was meant to be my best friend, who I'd known since I was eight, so eight years, and suddenly two years ago he just leaves, without a word, and I haven't heard from him since...until now.

We frantically look around the room, searching for a place to hide, when a green haired boy walks in, followed by a dark haired boy, both who I didn't know the names of. They both stare at us with shock over powering their faces, as they look between each other and then back to us. The dark haired boy first spoke up, "Um, hey?" his Australian accent so foreign.

I look to Em who is immediately star struck by the two boys, as she opens and closes her mouth repeatedly, as she's so in shock. "Hey," I send them both a sweet smile, which the green haired boy, kindly returns, while the dark haired boy remains shocked, with a confused look plastered on his face.

"I'm Megan and this is my friend Emily," I point to Em, who is still standing dead still, obviously still in shock. "Even though I am not a fan, it's my birthday and Em took me to your concert, and probably as you can tell, she's pretty star struck right now.." I trail off, a little as I watch the two boys exchange glances, smirking at each other.

"Why would you come to our concert if you weren't a fan?" The green haired boy stands with a smirk on his face, looking over to Em, letting out a small laugh, as the brown haired boy looks over to Em, who is starting to change her expression from completely and utterly surprised to somewhat happy? I don't know, you can never tell with this girl.

"So what are your name-" the brown haired boy is cut off as two blonde haired boys, follow into the dressing room, recognizing Luke instantly, apart from the lip ring which is obviously a new addition since his new fame. My eyes immediately are drawn to him as he stops in his tracks, staring at me, with shock also spread across his face. My eyes dart away, looking to the older looking blonde haired boy who walked in first, coming to a stop behind the green and dark haired boys.

"Megan?" Luke croaks out, coughing after his voice comes out all horse. I look down and avoid the question, as I refuse to answer, looking back to the green haired boy.

ON HOLD - 18 » l.hWhere stories live. Discover now