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01:13 am - tall
can you come over :(

01:13 am - small
Luke it's one in the morning! 

01:13 am - tall 
I know but I thought you might be missing me :(

01:14 am - small
I do Lukey :( but how am I meant to get there now :(

01:14 am - tall 
you could drive????????? pls pls pls pls 

01:14 am - small
so could you! Luke I'm tucked up in bed, why would I go out in the freezing cold??

01:14 am - tall
fine :(((

I roll out of bed, grabbing the Jack Wils hoodie on the floor next to my bed, throwing it over my white oversized t-shirt and navy plaid shorts, pulling on a pair of converse, grabbing my keys and phone. I drive over to Luke's, running up the stairs in his apartment building, knocking rapidly on the door, hoping he hasn't fallen asleep. "Hello?" a small voice says on the other side of the door. 

"Luke?" I ask, almost a whisper, Luke opening the door as he hears my voice, peaking his head round the door, his flat hair sticking to his forehead. He hold out one of his hands, which I take as he pulls me lightly into his flat.

I kick my shoes off, as he drags me into his room. I pull off my hoodie, throwing it on the floor, Luke collapsing into his bed. I do the same, Luke pulling me by my shoulders into his body, my arms wrapped around his waist, pulling his body into mind, snuggling up together. 

"Thank you for coming," Luke whispers, his face buried in my hair. 

"You asked me too," I whisper, my face buried in his chest. 

"I know, but I'm so tired, and I could barely sleep, I needed you." Luke murmurs, making me almost sad at the tiredness lace throughout his voice. 

I fall asleep within seconds while Luke and I are silent, our gentle snored in sync. I wake up to Luke covered in sweat, tossing and turning, his dark room making it harder for me to see. I get up onto my knees, taking Luke's sweaty face in my palms, waking him gently. 

"Luke, Luke," I whisper, his head turning slightly before his eye lashes flutter open. 

He lets out a small moan, "Megan," he groans.

"Luke are you okay?" I whisper, Luke's arms wrapping rapidly around my body, his strength pulling  me down and into his body once again.

"I'm so glad you're here, thank you," he whispers into my hair again. 

"Luke are you okay?" I whisper, Luke groaning in response, "What were you dreaming about?" I ask, purely concerned at his state. 

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine, go back to sleep. I don't want to talk about it," he whispers, burying his face in my hair once again, the feeling so comforting no matter how gross the sweat made it to be. 

I wake up before Luke, sliding from his weak grip, walking into his kitchen which is the next room from his bedroom. I open a few cupboards, trying to be as quiet as possible, searching for a glass. "Megan!" a familiar voice calls behind me, turning to see the Asian boy Luke was friends with, Calum if I remember his name correctly. 

"Calum?" the statement coming out as more of a question, nodding his head in reassurance.

"I haven't seen you in so long! How is everything?" he asks, taking a seat on the sofa not far from where I am standing. 

"Really good thanks you?" I ask, not entirely sure what to do with myself. 

"I would rather you not try to chat up my girlfriend," a croaky voice comes from the doorway of Luke's bedroom, obviously Luke, the guess justified as I look over to the doorway, Luke standing there. I smile at his hair matted down to his forehead, his t-shirt stuck to his body in a few different places, his grey joggers loose on his body. 

"Never," Cal jokes around, sending me a wink, causing me to let out a small giggle before walking over to Luke, who pulls me into a small hug, as he leans up against the door frame. 

"You're my girlfriend," Luke almost mumbles to himself, "how weird is that?" the rhetorical question almost confusing me. 

"Why's that weird?" I ask. 

"Well apart from the fact you hated him a couple of months ago," Cal interjects. 

"Very, very true, I do forget about that time to time, I do have to admit," I smirk, looking up to Luke, the bags underneath his eyes, matched by the behaviour earlier on that morning. I rest my hand on Luke's chest, mouthing to him as he meets my gaze, "Are you okay?" i ask, referring back to a few hours prior. 

He nods rapidly, Cal smirking and wondering back to the doorway of what I believe his room. "Please do not have sex too loudly," Cal smirks, 

"Oh sorry, Cal, I know it must be hard as you haven't had a girl in such a long time," Luke teases, sending Cal a wink. Calum just groans, not even disagreeing with the comment, making me let out a small giggle. 

I turn to Luke, "Do you live with all of them?" I ask, 

"With who?"

"Your band mates?" I ask again, this time a little more specific. 

He shakes his head, "Just Cal," he smirks, leaving a kiss on my forehead, before grabbing a glass from the cupboard I grabbed mine. He turns to me, "Netflix in bed?" he asks. 

I get a little excited, "Netflix in bed," I repeat, nodding my head the once, following Luke back into his bed as he grabs his laptop, pulling it onto his lap, scrolling through the films on Netflix. 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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