The Cheesy, Hot and Heavy and Appropriate Sides Of A Relationship

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(A/N- The italics are flashbacks and there is a mature section in one of them.)

*Harlow's P.O.V*

The last semester of undergrad was well underway.  My eyes and mind were fully on not only the application to the next step in my path, but also finishing this year with the good standing I've been able to maintain for the past three.  I took pride in making the Dean's List every semester and I was set on having 'Magna Cum Laude' if  the Summa wasn't going to happen.  Within the next couple of weeks the acceptance or declination letters would be sent out and that knowledge sent my anxiety into overdrive.  This was it.  That one letter would either seal my fate for probably the most busy, but most rewarding year of my life or send me having to do a late consideration application into the normal graduate program.  I didn't see anything wrong with the second.  I just always had my eyes set on the first.

"If you chew the end of that pen any harder it's going to end up like the last one," Mike said breaking me out of my thoughts and refocused me on reality.  As always, even after four months of being together, he continues to call me out when I am getting too anxious or stuck in my thoughts. He has also taken my book from me numerous nights and forced me to go to bed.  When it happened the first time I swear I was speechless that he had the balls to even do that.

It was Friday night and currently my living room looked as though a tornado had coursed through it.  Not only were there books scattered about, but there were also papers, notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters and a couple of paper balls thrown across the room in annoyance.  After having gotten my wisdom teeth out and having dinner with my family and Mike, I agreed to have my mom help with some of my expenses for school which allowed me to cut back on work.  However, my body was used to my old schedule and now I am paying for it.  Who knew that working late for multiple semesters meant that I would find it hard to study at home on a Friday night?

A low growl came from my chest as I reread the same sentence again for the millionth time.  My head sat in my hands as leaned forward over my textbook in aggravation.  Mike had already gone to bed once I promised to be in there shortly.  Now I wasn't even sure when shortly would be. 

A hand came into view grabbing onto my textbook and pulling it from my lap.  I watched speechless as he closed it placing it onto the coffee table that was littered with notes.  "Come on," He said groggily.  "You're going to bed."

"I'm not done yet," I argued reaching my hand back out for the hardcover book on the table.  His hand took hold of mine stopping my reach and pulled me off the couch. 

"You are done for tonight," He told me entwining our fingers.  "You're not getting very far because you're tired and I heard you growling from the bedroom.  It's late and two hours from the time I went to bed.  So now we are going to bed together and you will pick this up tomorrow after you get some sleep."

"Michael, I need to finish that chapter," I said narrowing my eyes getting the same back at me.

"Harlow, do you even remember the last paragraph that you read?  Should I grab the book, flip it to that page and have you tell me as I skim it?" Mike asked me pointing to the book.  "You only growl when you are frustrated because you're too tired to retain information.  There isn't a reason for you to be up this late anymore since you're off now and you need to sleep."

"What makes you think you can tell me when I'm done?" I asked stubbornly crossing my arms across my chest.  I fully admit that I was cranky and over tired at this point.  Due to this I was definitely being a bit of a bitch which wasn't deserved.

Mike looked at me softly and also look like he was holding back an eye roll.  "Because you know that I love you and I am saying it out of love.  I'm not doing it to boss you around, but to watch out for you."

*On Temporary Hiatus* A Place For My HeadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin