The First Hang Out and First Interruption

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*Harlow's P.O.V*

I groaned hearing the shrill sound of my cordless phone going off beside my bed.  After not getting in until a little after quarter of six in the morning, my brain would not allow me to sleep even though I was tired until almost eight a.m.  This was not a normal event in my life unless it was time for finals and my ass was stressed the fuck out.  During that time of the year, all nighters was a frequent occurrence.  However, that was still weeks away and so far, I felt confident in everything we had learned up until now.  Granted, it would only be winter finals and spring finals always ended up being the more difficult ones.  Reaching to the right bedside table, I grabbed the annoying electronic from its charger and pressed the button needed to make it shut up.


"You sound as awake as I am," His voice said over the line.  From the difference in his voice, it was obvious that he had also just woken up.

"Did you wake up right now and decide to call me right away?  When I asked if you were going to call me I didn't mean right when you woke up."

Mike chuckled slightly.  "I woke up wanting to hear your voice and to wish you a good afternoon."

I smiled as the fluttering in my stomach began.  "Did you not hear my voice enough all last night and early this morning?"

"I don't think I'll ever hear it enough and be satisfied.  I was serious when I told you I enjoyed talking to you.  I've never stayed up all night talking to someone before.  It was nice."

"It was nice," I agreed turning to my side holding my phone against my ear.  "So what's your plan for this wonderful Saturday afternoon?"

He hummed softly while a rustling noise was heard.  "Well, I need to eat and have a coffee first because otherwise I don't think I'll make it to one o'clock without passing out again.  Then I should probably get started on an assignment that was given during class yesterday and finish one of my project pieces.  What about you?"

"I still have to finish that chapter for Abnormal Psychology and then complete the discussion questions that were given to us.  Very exciting stuff.  I should probably eat and have some caffeine as well otherwise my face will be in the book just not in the manner of reading," I replied hearing a laugh from his end.  Over the course of the night, I had come to notice that Mike's laugh was a sound I enjoyed hearing.  I especially enjoyed it when he thought something was really funny which caused it to be loud and have a bit of a lower tone.  Then there were times when he tried to keep it in and would literally sound like a giggle.  That's what I referred to as the 'cute laugh'.  But his smile was definitely the highlight of all of the laughs.  He had an amazing smile.

"Harlow, hello? Did you fall asleep on me?" Mike asked breaking me from the dream-like state I had fallen into thanks to remembering his smile.

"No, sorry.  I was thinking about something," I said praying to the heavens that he wouldn't ask what.  And he didn't. 

"When you read for class, do you prefer to be alone or do you not care about others being around?"

"Uh, it depends.  If it's something I am struggling with I usually like to be alone, but if I understand it I don't mind being around others. Why?" I replied confused as to why he was asking me my study habits.

"Is Abnormal Psych a struggle?"

"No, and again, why?"

"I was just thinking since we both have work we have to do, that maybe we can hang out while we do it.  I promise I won't distract you and will focus on my own assignments," Mike promised as I thought over his suggestion.  It wasn't an easy decision to make.  Homework and reading had to get done, there was no way around that.  However, I also wanted to see him.  Sure, others might be like 'this is the best of both worlds', but how did I know he would keep his promise?  Then I realized that so far he has kept his promises which honestly there has only been one, to call me, and he did that.  Maybe he'd keep this one too.  There was  only one way to find out.

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