The Big Changes

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*Harlow's POV*

Walking into the beach house that would be ours for the next couple of days, I breathed in the salt water air that surrounded us. Truth be told I always enjoyed the beach hence why it was my place to go to when I needed to de-stress.  The sounds of the waves crashing in and out was probably the most relaxing sound to me which meant the windows along with our balcony door just might stay open the entire time we were here.  On the counter island was a basket full of snacks, beer and champagne along with a card from my mom congratulating us again on everything we had accomplished.  At the bottom of the card, as an extra note, she also mentioned not leaving the house drunk because she already had a big caseload as it was and reminded us that public intoxication was against the law.  That made Mike laugh along with joking about asking my mom how far out of the house constitutes as going into public.  I just had to shake my head at that.  Even when my mom was trying to do something nice her lawyer side still had to come out.

"What should we do first, Harlie?" Mike asked sitting on the bed in what would be our bedroom for the next couple of days.  I looked at him as he stared at me.  He was wearing brown shorts, sneakers, a T-shirt and as always, a cap on his head.  He looked delicious.  Even after months and months of being with him I still found him to be the most attractive man I've ever met.  The moment I began making my way towards him his legs opened allowing for me to stand between them.  My hands went to the cap on his head taking it off and tossing it behind me.  A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as I did this.  "Are we breaking in this bed?"

I hummed softly coming to straddle his lap.  "I think it makes the most sense.  We will be sleeping on it and partaking in other activities," I told him bringing our lips together in a lingering kiss.  His left arm wrapped around my waist holding me to him as his right hand trailed up my bare thigh and underneath the hem of the summer dress I had put on this morning.  A moan escaped my lips feeling his hand cup the junction between my legs lightly before moving it up and down allowing his palm to offer rubbing where it mattered.  It didn't take long for his hand to enter my panties and his fingers to become encased within my body.  Figuring I was straddling his lap, my legs were wide open and allowed him really good access.  It wasn't long before my legs were struggling to keep me up.  With probably not as smooth as he was hoping for, Mike rotated us hovering over my body as his fingers continued their work to bring me to a release while his lips attached themselves to my neck.  "Shit," I moaned panting in shallow breaths. 

"Let go, Harlow," He growled slightly picking up the pace with his hand.  "I can tell your fighting against it."

"I want to cum when you do," I moaned holding him to me.  "You always give me multiple releases.  It's not fair."

"Harlow," Mike said sternly gazing down at me as I felt his thumb come into contact with my clit.  A whine came from my lips knowing that even with fighting against it, I would definitely have no choice but to give in with what he was doing to my body.  The smirk that came to his lips let me know that he was well aware that his wish was being granted and once I cried out while my body convulsed, his lips regained their position at my neck.

"Since when do you get stern with me in the bedroom?"

"Was it too much?" He asked kissing my lips lovingly.

"Fuck no," I breathed shaking my head.  "I enjoyed it."

The stern behavior continued throughout us fully breaking in the bed.  Under normal circumstances I wouldn't find that type of behavior hot, but there was something about Mike being stern while any part of him was in me that just opened the floodgates.  There were times that he would be like that, not many, and whenever he was it brought forth a whole different experience in our sex life.  Then there were others where he would just make love to me and bring tears from my eyes with just how complete and loved I felt from it.  It allowed us to have many different levels to our life inside the bedroom and it kept it very interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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