The First Meeting Of Lena And Sex Play

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(A/N- There is a Mature scene towards the end of this chapter.)

*Mike's P.O.V*

A soft hum was heard coming from my girlfriend as I molded my body to hers from behind.  "I love you," Harlow said sleepily turning her head just a bit in my direction. 

Kissing her cheek gently, I trailed my lips to her ear.  "I love you to," I replied softly entwining our fingers together that lay at her waist.  It has been a week since that night where Harlow shut down after hearing me say those words to her.  Since the talk the day after there hadn't been a day go by where it wasn't said.  Even though started a bit off, once it was discussed and put out in the open being in love with Harlow was amazing.  Moments like these where I wake up next to her and cuddle up behind her and those three words are the first thing out of her mouth, it'll never get old.  "Are you ready to wake up or do you want to sleep in more?"

"I'm so tired," She told me sighing.  "I had a hard time falling asleep last night because of my nerves.  I swear I felt my wisdom teeth pulsating in the middle of the night.  They know what's coming on Monday and they are trying to make their last couple of days in my mouth a miserable time."

I chuckled pressing my lips to the skin behind her ear.  "Baby, I don't think that's possible.  Everything will be fine on Monday and I will be with you through it all.  The first day or two will suck, but after that you'll feel better."

Harlow turned in my arms snuggling her head below my chin.  "Are you sure you want to take care of me while I'm doped up out of my mind and in pain?"

"Absolutely," I told her rubbing her back up and down.  "You're the love of my life and taking care of you is one of my tasks as your boyfriend.  I wouldn't feel right knowing someone else was taking care of you."

"'Love of your life', huh? That's not weird to say after being together almost a month and a half?" She asked me placing a kiss to my chest.

"Nope," I said firmly.  "I don't give a shit how long we have been together.  I know what I feel and believe and I fully believe that you're the love of my life.  You've heard it from everyone who knows me.  I am different with you than with anyone else before you.  That is the reason behind it.  The love I feel for you is so much more than anyone else."

Harlow pulled back slightly looking at me in the eyes with a tired smile on her face. "I've never loved anyone outside my family or Savy before you.  So I guess that means your my first love and the love of my life."

I smiled widely at her confession.  "And I'm proud to be both of those for you," I said kissing her lips.  "Why don't you sleep a bit longer and I'll go figure out breakfast for us."

"You're spoiling me."

"You spoil me too.  Since we've been dating I've had more home cooked meals than I've had in years.  You literally cook when you're home and send me to my apartment with Tupperware full of food for when you're working.  It's also not just me you're feeding either.  You should see Joe when I hand him his containers.  I am almost positive he's the biggest supporter of us."

Harlow laughed shrugging.  "I'm not going to give you food and not send him anything.  That's rude."

"See, so you spoil me and Joe.  The least I can do is figure out breakfast for us while you sleep longer.  I also have band practice tonight since it got cancelled this week which takes one of our nights away from us.  Let me spoil you a little bit."

"Are you sure the guys are okay with me crashing the practice?"

"You're not 'crashing'.  They asked for you to come," I reminded her kissing the side of her head.  "You never get to come to a practice because of work so they are pumped that tonight you can."

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