chapter four

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Fendi Cartier ____

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Fendi Cartier

I slowly opened my eyes immediately my body felt numb and I couldnt move.

I looked around and it was semi dark. I forced my self on my feet stumbling a little bit. I need to get out of here.

I searched around the empty room and noticed a crowbar lying on the ground. Jackpot.

I ran to the door and noticed it was locked shut. I used the crowbar to try to break open the door. C'mon, c'mon. I thought to myself.

Finally somehow it broke open. Then all of a sudden an alarm went off. Basement door unlocked! Basement door unlocked!

Immediately I ran the opposite direction. I heard a bunch of noise coming from behind me. I found a back door that the led outside.

"There she is get ha'!" A voice yelled. I started running through the back yard until I got to a wooded area.

I turned back to see if anyone was close behind me then I felt a blow to my chest causing me to the fall to the ground.

"Whea' do you think you're going?" A familiar voice said.

I struggled to breathe as I looked up and then he punched me in my face knocking me out cold.


I woke up in a dark room. Tape was over my mouth and I was tied to a chair. I immediately started freaking out. "Help! Help!" I mumbled.

  I started walking back and forth in the chair then a light cut on making me slightly squint my eyes until they got used to the light.

The room was filled with sinister laughs as Kentrell, and 2 guys approached me.

My eyes widen as they got closer. "Babygirl, Babygirl.." Kentrell said with a strong accent as he grinned at me. He gripped my chin pulling my face up towards him.

"You really do put up a fight, huh?" He said. Tears started trickling down my face as fear took over my body.

He wiped the tears. "Dont cry na', you put this on yo' self." He said as he pushed my forehead. "Mmmm!" I mumbled as I started rocking back and forth again.

"SHUT THA' FUCK UP!" He yelled making me jump out of fear. He turned facing one of the boys and he nodded.

Both of the guys walked out leaving just me and him. He circled around me as he smiled down at my shaken body.

He ripped the tape off my mouth causing me to groan loudly in pain. "Please, I'll do anything.." I begged making him laugh out loud.

"You think it's that fuckin' easy?" He snapped. "You really tried to leave me, yo' ass is stuck here...forever. Pull that shit again you won't make it out alive..." he whispered in my ear making chills crawl down my spine.

Sweat began to drip down my forehead as he paced back and forth as if he was waiting for someone. Finally, one of the guys came back with a metal bar that had the letter K at the end of it.

"Start tha' fire now," he demanded. The guy went into the corner and lit a pit full of wood on fire. I sat there confused as I watched them.

"W-what are you about ta' do to me?" I asked. He didnt answer he walked over to the pit and stuck the metal bar into the fire.

I sat there and shook my head frantically. "No, no please... dont I beg you! I'm sorry whatever I did!" I screamed.

He walked over to me and lifted up my shirt. He pierced my body with the hot iron making me yell bloody murder as warm tears prickled down my face.

I immediately drop to the ground. I felt dizzy and my eyes got blurry as I continued to cry. I looked up and he stood over me. "Run away again and see what happens next.."

I started crying for help but he kept walking and shut the door and double bolted it...


Hey guys it's playnogames2 check out my stories on my personal and I hope you guys are enjoying this so far!


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