Chapter 5 : Table for Two

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"What is it about this guy that makes me so drawn to him? He seems to have an effect on me that works every time. Even if I try to resist, I'll keep coming back to him" Tzuyu thought to herself.

"So, you seem really interested in Jae Won, our old friend. Tell me. What was he to you?" Taehyung asked.

Her eyes widened upon hearing that question.

Taehyung laughed at her reaction.

"It's okay if you don't wanna say anything. Was just curious because I haven't heard his name in a while" he replied.

Though he said that, he didn't actually mean it. Deep down, he was hoping she would say something about him. Anything at all.

"Well.... I've known him for a while. I haven't really seen him in a while either because of some stuff that happened before... I just wanted to know how he's been holding up?" she said quietly.

Taehyung smiled at this.

"Wow, she still thinks of me too huh? Figured she didn't care." he thought to himself.

"I know you're concerned, but trust me when I say he's doing okay. We haven't contacted him in a while, but last we checked he was doing well in life so I wouldn't be too concerned" he finished.

Relief flushed through Tzuyu's face. At the very least, she knew he was alive and okay. But that didn't mean she didn't wanna meet him again.

"Hey, I'm sure you'll see him again one day" Taehyung said while placing a hand on her shoulder to reassure her.

This action took Tzuyu by surprise, but she didn't try to resist it like the previous night. She kept staring into his face, his smile captivating her. She slowly smiled too and replied, "thank you..."

He giggled once again at her cute reaction, making her heart flutter once more.

"Gosh. I've never felt this way about someone before. Only Jae Won could make my heart jump like this. Here I am supposed to be feeling guilty about what I've done, but how can I turn away from Taehyung?" she thought to herself.

"You look so adorable when you're deep in thought" he said.

She blinked before realizing she spaced out again. Her cheeks flushed with red once more.

"S... s... sorry Tae sunbaenim..." she stuttered.

"No need to apologize. And please, drop the formalities. Call me Tae or oppa if that suits you better..." he said with a wink.

"Damn, who knew I could be this confident in front of her" he thought.

"Okay.... Tae Oppa..." she whimpered quietly as her shyness got to her.

He laughed once more.

"C'mon! I bet the others are waiting for us" he said.

He began walking down the hall as Tzuyu simply looked on. She watched as he walked away an admired what she saw. She felt for the first time in a while that she's met someone who wasn't going to make her feel bad about herself.

Normally upon meeting other guy idols, she feels as if they all view her as cold because of her demeanor. However, the reality is that she's just shy and doesn't know how to properly approach people. But with Tae... it was different. When he speaks to her, it feels like he knows exactly what to say and how to act.... it's as if he's known her for a long time.

He turned to see her still standing there and smiled. He walked back to her and grabbed her arm, interlocking it with his.

"Let's go Miss Chou. If you won't walk there, then I'll gladly take you with me myself." he said.

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