“You think to much,” Harry whispers into my ear his breathe tickling my cheek, he then brushes his lips onto my cheek and gives me a quick peck on the check before turning around and guiding me over to a building our hands still held together.

Not really paying much attention to where we are or what we are doing Harry stops walking and I do too, standing me in front of the building so I can see the sign. I snap out of my gaze and look up at the building title. ‘Ted’s Ice Cream Parlour’, Harry and I use to go to a ice cream parlour called ‘Jeans Ice Cream Parlour’ when we both lived in Cheshire not London.

 I had to move to London because of the college I got into, I finish my school years in Cheshire and then moved here with my brother and parents. It was all planned, and everything because when Greg finished college I finished school so it means that it was perfect, Greg could get a job and I could go to college.

“You remember?” Harry whispers into my ear again, but his breath leaving its warmth against my neck and making my knees want to give way.

“How could I forget?” I mumble back, Harry smiles and kisses my check before leading me into the place. In side is the exact same to what the old ice cream parlour looked like, blue walls to give the effect it is cold and plastic ice in the corners to make it feel like an igloo.

Harry presses his hand to my back and guides me to the back of the room and into the corner by the window, we sit opposite each other and Harry's eyes gaze into mine and mine gaze into Harry's.

It makes me wonder, why do people sit opposite each other when they are out and its two people? I mean if it is a date would you want to sit next to each other so you are closer? I don't know but that has always been my point of view, you can hold hands easily under the table, intertwine your legs, everything, but I guess you can't into each others without having to sit awkwardly?

“What you thinking about?” Harry breaks me from my thoughts,

“Sitting arrangements,” I chuckle to myself at just how stupid it sounds, but it’s true that is what I was thinking about!

“Err.” Is all Harry responses, confusion on his face and the whole ‘I-want-to-know-but-I-don't look’ on his face, I chuckle again.

“Like on dates, why sit opposite each other? If you sit next to each other you are actually touch each other and you are closer to them? You can hold their hands with out the awkward hold-hand-under-the-table scenario,” I inform Harry of my thoughts so he won’t think I'm a complete nutter.

“You won’t be able to see there face, or look into their eyes if you are sat next to each other?” Harry points out,

“Exactly what I thought,” I mumble as I look down at my lap as I bring my knees to my chest and rest my feet on the edge of the red leather bench.

I notice all my bruises on my legs have gone, as well as the rest of my body and my face, I'm glad. I haven’t seen the man that done it to me since, and I'm glad I haven’t, who wouldn’t be?

“Can I take your orders?” a young fake blonde teenage girl asks us, she must be around 16, when I say fake blonde I mean she is half blonde half ginger because of the hair dye, her face is the same colour as her hair and her eyes are like two black balls with the amount of make up she has on her face. Underneath the blue apron she is wearing a black pencil skirt that start just below her boobs and ends three inches below her waist only just cover her knickers. And then a vibrant pink belly top that barley covers her boobs and exposing a leopard print bra.

Two Can Play At This Game (A Harry Styles Love Story)(Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora