entry four

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sigh, where do i begin?

my mom dropped me off at the game, not bothering to ask any questions about my sudden interest in sports, for which i was very thankful. i walked to the gate, searching for you in the crowd of people that was forming.

"zach!" i heard. i looked up, seeing your perfect features. your beautiful blonde hair, your sparkling teal eyes, your gorgeous crooked smile. i grinned slightly, hurrying over to you.

"hey, corbyn," i smiled.

"hey, i'm glad you made it," you chirped. i blushed, getting lost in your eyes.

"i wouldn't have missed it for the world." why did i fucking say that? i cringed mentally. you laughed though, thinking i was just being funny.

i went to pay for my ticket, but you intercepted me, paying for both of us.

"dude, wha-" i started, but you cut me off.

"i invited you, i'm paying," you insisted. i stared at you blankly.

"that's stupid," i deadpanned. you rolled your eyes playfully and we walked through the gate to the football field.

i can't remember much about what happened. all i remember is you. you kept playfully joking with me. wrapping your arm around my shoulder or my waist and laughing. i know i was blushing, you might've not been able to tell though.

you placed a hand on your chin, studying the game carefully.

i chuckled. "do you even know what you're looking at?" i joked.

"duh," you smirked. "well, yeah, i like the sport but the players are cute." my heart leaped.

"uh- i, um, are you uh, in-into guys?" i asked, trying to be casual.

you laughed. "i'm bi, zach. i could've sworn you knew," you said, raising an eyebrow. i didn't, clearly, but i'm glad i know now.

i don't recall much else other than us laughing together, sharing a pack of sour patch kids, and then at the end of the game, you giving me a hug.

"thanks for coming, z, i really appreciate it." you smiled crookedly. i raised an eyebrow, realizing none of your other friends showed up.

"hey, what happened to your other friends that were supposed show up?" i asked. you smirked.

"i genuinely have absolutely no idea," you shrugged, but i could hear the playful sarcasm in your voice. i think i just went on a date? it might've been a friendly hang but i don't know. i'm just glad you invited me.

this was a long entry. whoops. i guess i just had a lot to say.

~ zach
11:28 pm

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