Chapter Thirty Eight

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John Pov
I unlocked my dorm door, walking in and closing the door behind me. I glance at my hand and remember how many times I've looked at my hand on a door, wrapped in bloody bandages. I let my hand slid down from the door and to my side, snaking into my jacket pocket.

I walked into the kitchen, tossing my keys down on the counter along with my scarf. Why is it so damn quiet? This bitch better not be up to something.


No answer.

"Alex?" I called again, hopping a little and untying my boots.

I sighed and kicked off my shoes, walking over to Alex's room. I saw the way it was ajar. I slowly pushed it open.

This better not be some horror movie shit. Aw, God damn, and I'm blond! I'd be first to die in a scary movie, if we're being stereotypical. I tick off most of the boxes. Blond, gay, on the younger side.

I leaned on his doorframe, confused when I saw no Alex's room.

I am confusion.

Lord, I'm walking meme.

After looking around his room a little more and concluded there was definitely no Alex, I walked out. I walked back to the kitchen and got my phone then sat down on the couch. But because I'm home alone, I didn't walk to the couch.

I slid to the couch.

I love socks.

Anyway, after watching TV for around twenty minutes and realizing Alex still hadn't come home, I texted him.

• • •
J.Laurens> Where are you

>Read 9:37
• • •
This bitch ass just left me on read.
I'm offended.

• • •
J.Laurens> Fool, I've been watching Supernatural without you.

A.Hamilton> Ur doing /what/ without me??

J.Laurens> Lol have fun catching up to season 3, darlin

A.Hamilton> Go fcuk yourself
A.Hamilton> *fuck

J.Laurens> Come home

A.Hamilton> Someone's impateint
A.Hamilton> *impatent
A.Hamilton> Fuck, you know what I mean

J.Laurens> Just come home you walking grammar error.

A.Hamilton> yeah im walkin back now

• • •
The plan is, to ignore our fight and just shove the anger into a box, lock the box and then put it away. I like that plan.

I think Alex is going to follow that plan too.

I don't think either of us really want to talk about it though that's rather inevitable. I know we're going to end up talking about it and maybe end up shouting about it but you know, we'll see how it goes.

I continued to watch the show without Alexander and when he finally did come home, he slammed the door open, glared at me and said, "Bitch."

Well there could be a few reasons why he's calling me a bitch.

"How dare you watch Supernatural without me." Alex said, pulling off his scarf and taking off his boots.


"You shouldn't have left me alone with the TV. Cable is shit. You shoulda known I was gonna watch Netflix."

"Watch any other Netflix show," Alex complained, and muttered, "I got snow in my boots."

He sat down next to me, sighing heavily, his eyes shifting to the TV. Mine did too.

We watched the show together, mainly in awkward silence excluding the Winchester's killing vampires on the screen. It'll get better eventually.

"Where'd you go earlier?" Alex asked, somewhat breaking the ice.

"Went to go see my friend." I told him.

"Where'd you go off to?"

"Smoke break." He said.


Alex shrugged.

"I went outside and smoked. A break from being inside." He said.

"Fair enough." I muttered.

"Do you still smoke?" He asked, still looking at the TV.

"Yeah, sometimes. Not as much as you though." I said.

"I don't smoke that much." Alex said, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I know. You smoke a little bit and I smoke too. Just less." I said.

"I- yeah. That's true. I think. I don't know, you've got more cigarettes."

"You've got a vape." I reminded.


We settled back into a silence though it was less awkward. Still tense, but less awkward.

"Which friend did you go see? Was it André?" He asked after a moment.

"Nah. Martha."


We went silent again. That didn't last long.

"We're still dating, right?" He asked.

I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"Of course we are. Unless you want to change that..?"

"No. I don't. We's gonna talk about it tomorrow though. That's chill, right?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, that's good." I told him.

He nodded and shifted in his seat, then settled, resting his head on my shoulder.

I'm not sure exactly why, but my shoulders relaxed and I felt an intense relief. I hadn't even noticed my shoulders had tensed. I settled with him, wrapping my arm around his shoulders. Alex made a short pleased noise in content.

I smiled.

He smiled.

God, I hope this doesn't change.

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