Chapter Thirty Six

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John Pov
Sitting on that train with a fucking idiot for the rest of the ride was so much fun. (If you don't understand my sarcasm at this point He decided he wouldn't talk to me for the rest of the time, and I don't know what he wanted me to do. Being Alex, he probably wanted to talk to me.


I mean, it's Alex, dammit. He always has something to say. There must've been something but nothing I did made him say squat. You know, if he wasn't Alex, I think I wouldn't really care if he stop talking to me.

But it is Alex.
And I do care.

Life fucking sucks. I should've quit this shit when I had the chance.

When we did get back to New York, Alex still wouldn't talk to me. So helpful, right?

We walked to our bus from the train in silence. We sat on the bus in silence. We walked to our dorm in silence.

I unlocked our dorms door and walked inside, going to my room.
A part of me waited for Alex to slam his door. It didn't come and I was left again with silence.

I did plan to have a fight with him when we got back to New York but I don't think I'm really in the mood to shout at him. Yes, I'm still pissed and sure, there's a small possibility he didn't out me.

Nevertheless, I feel a bit betrayed. Whatever.

If he's going to be a little bitch, I can be petty too. I'll change seats in our classes and I'll take a different bus onto campus. That'll show him.

I sat on my bed, going over how much longer we had of break. It went on a little over New Years, I think. Maybe I should leave Alex all alone and go talk to my friend Martha while he wishes I was still around so he could talk.

I picked up my phone.

>J.Laurens: You want to hang out later? 8ish maybe

>M.Manning: Why

>J.Laurens: Haven't talked to you since before break

>M.Manning: I didn't even realize
Now I'm angry. B i t ch

>J.Laurens: So, 8 at the campus library, yeah?

>M.Manning: Fuck you John. Yeah of course.

I smiled softly. I hadn't forgotten about Martha but I still hadn't seen her for quite some time. I unpacked his stuff and took a shower. I legit smelled like train and it's gross. At least I'll see my friend again.

• • •

I sat in the library, looking through my phone and drinking my water. I put my water in a coffee cup so it felt like I was drinking coffee but without the getting energized at eight P.M at night.

I probably looked like a douche in the library with my phone and lacking any books near me (Excluding the shelves, obviously) but still, whatever.

I glanced up from my phone to see Martha shuffling to the table I was at and sitting down. "Hey."

"What's up, J.?" Martha asked, putting her stuff on the table.

"Dunno. Missed you, I guess." I shrugged.

"Aw, that's cute. I missed you too."
She smiled.

"Mhm." I hummed. "How was your day?"

"It was alright. I've been doing extra credit for all my classes and all that good stuff. You?" Martha said.

"Oh, nothing,"

I shrugged, taking a drink of my coffee (Let me just pretend it's coffee, okay?) and looking back to her, meeting her eyes.

"Nothing always means something. Didn't you go to South Carolina for Christmas?" She asked.

"Yeah, yeah, I did." I said. "But you know how it is. Same old, same old. Pops is still a prick, though I'd never say it to his face, Harry is always in trouble, Patsy is annoying and doing a lot better." I told her.

"Jemmy is the one that has seizures or whatever, right?" She asked.

I stayed silent, drinking my coffee. (We have it established that saying its coffee makes me feel better about myself)

"Yup. That's Jemmy." I said after a
grimacing moment.

"Yeah, I remember him. You brought 'im here once to show the kid the campus, right?" She asked.

"Not just him, Patsy and my father too."


"..Anyway, how were your holidays? Happy late Christmas. Or would it be..Merry late Christmas? Late Merry Christmas? Whatever. How was your break?" I asked.

"It was wonderful. I saw my family and I pretty much wanted to take my Cousins dog home. She got it for Christmas and I was jealous. Dogs are so cute." Martha said.

I nodded. "My favorite breed is probably a bulldog." She told me.

"English or French?" I asked.



"I'll probably go to London next break. You've been to London, right? I thought you talked about it once," Martha said.

"Switzerland." I said. "I was in London for a little though."

"Cool, is it nice there?" She asked.

I shrugged.
"It's alright."

"Awesome. I'll probably go with a friend. Or if I get a boyfriend I'll bring him." Martha said.

I took another drink of wat- coffee.

I hope Alex misses me right now.

Uneven {Lams}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें