Chapter Twenty Nine

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Sorry for not updating for like..
Five days.
A lot of things went down in the past few weeks and if I'm being honest, it really fucked me up.

John Pov
I sat on the train, looking outside the window. Yes, we're taking a train to South Carolina because planes cost money. Money, I don't have. I do have money but you see, college is important. Not sure why, considering all my professors literally are insane and probably hate all young adults and the law is just..kill it with fire.

Let people murder each other, disband the government, let everything be legal. I hate everything and I want to die.

..I take back the letting the world burn and letting people go crazy.

That'd be insanity and though I'd rather not say it, I like the way society functions. Not including the government because right now, the government in shit but for the most part society is relatively sane. It depends how you look at it really. On one hand, humans are the most advanced life forms but chaos is within us anyway.

There's still crimes, anarchy and wars, so it's not all sane but again, it depends how you look at it.

I looked at Alex, who was quiet (for once) and reading his book. One of the books we have for class. We never use it. Thanks Mr.Leger for making me get a two hundred dollar book that I never fucking use.

"Why are you reading that?"
I asked.

"Because one, I never use it and two, it's boring." Alex replied, not looking up at me.

"Why would you read a book that you know is boring?" I asked.

He looked up at me and raised an eyebrow. "..never mind." I muttered.

"Smart, Laur." He hummed, looking back at his book.

"Not that smart," I said.
"Elementary?" He asked mockingly.

I scoffed.

"You ever read the Sherlock Holmes books?" He asked.

"We've talked about them before Lex." I said, looking back out the window.

"Oh right, sorry. Art in the blood.."
He trailed off.

"Is liable to take the strangest forms."
I said, finishing the quote.

"Shut up Laurens."


"I've decided I hate trains." Alex said, glaring at people in our train car.

I looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Since when?" I asked.

"Since about twenty minutes ago when I needed to take a piss only to find that the bathroom is more disgusting than my face." He said, slumping back in his chair. I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"Nows a good time to say, 'noOo Alex! You're handsome, and the dirty bathroom is evil. I looove you Hamilton,'" He said.

"You sure do love your egotism."
I muttered.

"Ay, don't act you like you don't have an overflowing ego." Alex said, sitting up in his chair.

"I don't have a- whatever." I muttered. Alex snickered, smiling.


"I have the sudden urge to get high." Alex told me.

Well that snapped me back to reality.

"I didn't bring weed. And god, if you did, get rid of it." I said, raising an eyebrow and giving him a slight glare.

"I didn't bring weed. I'm not an idiot. Not as much as you anyway," Alex said.

"Oh really? Your gay ass is tellin' me how smart I am every five seconds. I don't think I believe you." I told him.

"I'm not gay," He muttered, slumping back down in his chair.

"..maybe, but you're still with me."
I said, looking back out the window.

Alex rolled his eyes, muttering, "Whatever,"

There was slight defeat in his voice and I was proud of that. Making Hamilton give up is a rarity and I like that I seem to be the only one who can do so.

I sighed, wanting to go back to New York already. Yes, I want to see my siblings but my dad on the other hand..don't get me wrong, I love him, I mean..he's my dad and he's better than nothing but I'm looking more forward to seeing my siblings.

Even though they're younger than I am.

"I'm bored." Alex said.
"Did you finish the book?" I asked, looking back to him.

"Yeah. It was pretty damn boring...
I loved it." He said.

I scoffed, smiling lightly.
"You never cease to amaze me," I said.
"I know. And I love that too." Alex said, grinning.

"You know you're smart and that doesn't appeal to me very much."
I said.

"Oh so you'd rather me be smart but think I was an idiot? No, I like my cocky genes, thank you very much. You like it but ya just won't admit it."
Alex said, trying to tease me.

"You're an asshole." I muttered, causing Alex's cocky grin to get ever so slightly wider.

"So I'm right?"
"God, shut up Hamilton."

Uneven {Lams}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora