Random Drabbles

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A/N: I used to do follower milestones on my tumblr writing blog. Sometimes people would send in prompts or make up their own. This is a collection of the ones I have for Jason.

The bold parts are what people sent in!


"y/n, it's be 10 minutes.. what's the stick say?"

"I can't look, Jason. You look instead." Y/N said as she opened the bathroom door.

Jason just nodded and looked into the sink. "It's positive."

"We're going to be parents?" Y/N gasped.

"We're going to be parents!" Jason screamed excitedly.


"This is a nice jacket for you slash me."

"You aren't wearing my fucking jacket, Y/N." Jason said as he pulled it closer around his body.

"Well, you gotta take it off as some point, Jason. And when you do, I'll be waiting to snuggle up in it and cuddle you." Y/N said as she poked the tip of his nose.

"Sometimes I hate how cute you are." Jason groaned.


"I wonder if Bats will let me get away with me murdering you."

"My money is on no." Y/N said, not bothering to look up from her book.

"But you haven't even heard what he did this time, Y/N!" Jason whined as he paced the room.

"What did you do, Tim?" Y/N asked, putting her book down.

"I may or may not have wrecked Jason's bike. The one Bruce just gave him." Tim said, not looking up from the floor.

"You should probably start making tracks now, Timberly. You probably don't have long left." Y/N said as she returned her attention to her book. She heard rapid footsteps and then a door slam.


"Most people try and hide the evidence."

"Most people don't live with an incredibly violent and unstable vigilante." Jason said as he kicked his bag of equipment into the closet.

"Touche." Y/N answered. "So what do you want for dinner?"

Jason smirked and plopped down on top of her. "You."


"Oh shut up you love it when I blast Pierce The Veil at 4:00 am in the morning"

"I love it when WE blast Pierce the Veil at 4:00 am. When you do it by yourself, I want to strangle you with a pair of headphones." Y/N said as she glared at her boyfriend.

"Is that anyway to talk to the love of your life?" Jason said sweetly as he turned his music down.

"If you don't turn that off and come to bed right now, you are sleeping on that couch for a month." Y/N said as she turned around and headed back to the bedroom.

"Yes, ma'am!"


"I got bored and made myself a cape like Batman's except it doubles as a blanket. It's really soft and I think I love this more than you now."

Jason Todd x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now