Cookie Thief (Feat. Dick Grayson)

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"I am telling you it is mine!" Jason said angrily. "I was here first."

"I was born first." Dick countered.

"Oh, so you are going to play that card? Again?" Jason cried out "I don't fucking care that you are older than me. That doesn't give you the right to get whatever the fuck you want."

Y/N sat on the corner and watched their... discussion. She hadn't been in the kitchen long enough to figure out what it was about, but whatever it was, it must be important because they were heated. She reached into the cookie jar and pulled out a cookie.

"If you are so fucking worthy of it, why don't you go buy your own?" Jason said, glaring at his brother. "You are the one always talking about getting a day job because you have one so why don't you take your ass down to the store and use that paycheck you are so proud of-"

"Well, how bout you, Mr. Mercenary? All that blood money and you can't afford a container of cookies?" Dick said.

Wait, that was what this is about? The last cookie? The one she was currently eating? As if they heard her thought, they both turned to look at her. Jason's eyes narrowed as he saw what was in her hand.

"Give it to me." He said.

"Really? You are asking your girlfriend to give you the last cookie?" Dick scoffed.

"Yes, now give it." Jason said as he reached for it.

Y/N quickly stuffed the entire thing in her mouth and chewed. Jason and Dick both let out sounds of disappointment.

"Sorry." She said, her mouth still filled with the focus of their argument.

"No, you aren't." Jason grouched. "You are dead to me. I hope you get rawed by the Devil in Hell."

Y/N paused her chewing and raised an eyebrow at him. "What?"

"You heard me." Jason said with a grumpy look on his face.

Y/N got down from the counter and walked over to him. She took his hand in both of hers and smoothed it out before depositing a mouthful of thoroughly chewed cookie mush in his palm. "Happy birthday." she said as she closed his hand around the gross mess. She smiled and patted his arm before walking to the fridge to get something to drink.

Jason and Dick both stood there in shock, staring at Jason's hand. Jason looked at Dick before extending his arm. "You want some?"

Dick shook his head slowly. "I think I'm good.... Thanks."

Jason shrugged before putting the mush in his mouth. He didn't really relish the idea of something that had been partially chewed by another person, but the look on Dick's face was worth it.

Dick's face twisted into a horrified grimace. He had a full body shiver before letting out a loud horrified shriek. He abruptly turned and walked out of the kitchen. Jason smirked as he chewed the cookie. Worth it, he thought.

At least it was until he turned to see his girlfriend drinking the last of the milk.

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