Dick Move (Feat. Dick Grayson)

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Y/N sat on the couch and watched as her best friend carried her snack and drink into the living room. They were alone in the manor. Alfred had gone late night grocery shopping and the boys were out on patrol so they had the living room and it's ridiculous entertainment system all to themselves.

"What do you want to watch, Y/N?" Dick's girlfriend asked as she put her stuff down.

"Just turn on like a show or something. I don't really have anything that I am dying to watch right now." Y/N answered. She checked her phone for messages while Dick's girlfriend turned something on. She put her phone down and picked up her snack and nibbled on it. Silence fell between the two as they got sucked into the show Dick's girlfriend had turned on.

"Hey, can I talk to you about something?" Dick's girlfriend asked hesitantly.

Y/N put down her food and turned to her. "That sounds serious."

Dick's girlfriend laughed and shook her head. "It isn't anything like super duper important, more of just something that I have to talk to somebody about."

Y/N nodded and stole a piece of Dick's girlfriend's snack. "Shoot." She said as she put the junk food in her mouth.

"So, I know I can't be the only one who feels this way, but I've been feeling really down lately with how absent Dick has been. Like I know he works day and night, but when we are together, it feels like his mind is elsewhere. I am not wanting him to drop everything to be with me, that would be fucking ridiculous, but I want it to feel like he is choosing me, you know?" Dick's girlfriend looked at Y/N. Y/N nodded and motioned for her to continue. "I don't know how much longer I can go like one can only spend so long in a rut and I have to get out, but I cannot break up with him."

"Sounds like you need to just talk to him." Y/N said. She reached out and took her friend's hand. "I am more than willing to listen to you complain, but I can't change anything, that's on you two."

Dick's girlfriend sighed before running her hands through her hair. "I know. I just- I don't know how to bring it up, you know? Like don't get me wrong, I love him, but he isn't the best with confrontation. He'll probably feel really guilty about it or some shit and I don't want to upset him."

"Dude, just talk to him." Y/N groaned. "Like I swear to God, it isn't going to be as bad as you think."

"You're right," Dick's girlfriend sighed. " I should be able to talk to him without it blowing up. I love Dick-"

"Yeah, you sure do. And you are pretty fond of your boyfriend as well." Y/N said as she put her empty bowl on the coffee table. Dick's girlfriend shot her an irritated glare. "What? You stepped right into that one. You cannot expect me to not make that joke."

"You better run." Dick's girlfriend said as she got up. Y/N's eyes widened and she jumped up. She ran out of the room with Dick's girlfriend hot on her heels.

Y/N laughed as she slid around a corner and kept running. She laughed again as she heard Dick's girlfriend almost lose her footing. She was almost to the kitchen when a strong pair of arms picked her up and swung her around. Y/N screamed in surprise before turning to see her very amused boyfriend, still in uniform. "Hey, sweetie, how are you?" Y/N panted. She leaned over and clutched her chest, trying to catch her breath.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jason asked her. He had not expected to find his girlfriend running full speed down the hallway this late at night.

Y/N laughed breathlessly. "I am running from Dick's girlfriend."

"What about my girlfriend?" Nightwing appeared next to them.

"She is chasing me. Or was. She might have wiped out or decided it wasn't worth it." Y/N said as she peered down the hallway.

"What exactly did you do to make her chase you?" Dick asked, crossing his arms over his chest and looking down at her.

Y/N pursed her lips and sighed. "I don't have to answer that." She said as she turned to walk away. Jason smirked and pulled her back.

"Oh, no. Come one. What did you do?" Jason laughed as Y/N squirmed in his arms.

"If I told you, I would have to kill you." Y/N teased.

At that moment, Dick's girlfriend stalked around the corner. She had an irritated look on her face, but that melted away when she saw her boyfriend standing there. She walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, babe." Dick greeted as he took off his mask. "Y/N said that you were chasing her."

Her smile faded as she looked at Y/N, who had ducked behind Jason. "Yep." Dick's girlfriend said shortly.

"Why? What did she do to get you all riled up?" Dick asked quietly. He rubbed his hands up and down her arms soothingly.

"We were talking about something semi-serious and she made a dick joke." She pouted.

"In my defense, you set yourself up for failure." Y/N said as she peeped from around Jason's side. Dick's girlfriend glared at her and Y/N quickly took off running again with Dick's girlfriend close behind. Jason and Dick stood there as they could hear Y/N laughing at Dick's girlfriend's threats as they ran through the manor.

"So what do you think will happen if she catches her?" Dick asked quietly.

"Dude, my girlfriend could whoop your girlfriend's ass any day of the week. Even I get a little bit scared of her when she is mad." Jason said.

Dick exchanged a look with Jason before they took off running to prevent the fight that might very well be brewing.

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