Chapter 1. My Two Sweet Boys

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As dizziness hit me the mixed scent of blood and sweat accompanied it. Making me all the more disoriented. Nevertheless, I willed myself up knowing I needed to leave and now was the best chance I had. My circumstances weren't ideal but I knew this was one of the rare times he forgets we exist being too consumed in his own world full of drugs, alcohol and any unethical inhumane things he could conjure up.

Finally being able to stand on two feet without tipping over, I frantically began searching for items that I knew would be essential in order to successfully get away.

"Mommy..." The 8 year old boy whispered out the forced title we had slowly become accustomed to.

"what are you doing?" He questioned quietly, the makeshift cell across from mine kept him locked in as his small hands wrapped tightly around the rusted metal bars that were nailed together to keep him locked in. A clanking could be heard from the master lock hitting the lop sided metal bar that formed somewhat of a door. I noticed his green-hazel eyes held worry as they watched my movements closely.

"Shhh, sweetboy I'm fine. I need you to stay as quiet as you can for me though." I breathed out heavily. "Can you do that for me and follow my instructions closely Neo?"

I could see he wanted to protest, knowing he was worried by my current condition after recently giving birth in this wretched basement. Being locked within these half assed "cells" which better mirrored cages didn't help my overall state. Everything was rusted over. The cement floor is freezing beneath our bare feet. The small room was dark with a dim light hanging from the ceiling barely doing anything to illuminate the space, with no form of insulation to keep any warmth. 

I wish I could just up and run with my baby and Neo but I had no idea where he located us this time. We could be deep in the woods or only a few minutes away from a busy city. I couldn't risk the babies safety after just being born and extremely vulnerable but nothing could be worse for any of us than staying here.

"Shit." I winced feeling a sharp pain at the bottom of my foot. I looked down to see shattered pieces of glass.

Where did that even...

"Mo-" Neo Began to panic before quickly covering his mouth with his hands, I'm assuming remembering what I said about staying quiet.

I turned to give him the best reassuring smile I could muster before turning back to receive the answer to the source of my pain, noticing my hand rested where a glass cup used to be.

I caught myself from falling without realizing. Deep breaths, you need to keep your balance


I jumped at the boom from his chilling voice

"KEEP IT DOWN YOU STUPID BITCH!" I heard a few low grumbles before he continued with his verbal assault.

"Probably dying from that dumb bastard you decided to have. Just know I'll be putting it to some good use" My blood ran cold hearing his words. I could tell he was intoxicated with something by the way he didn't care for my wellbeing at the moment. He seemed to be getting high more frequently as my due date neared. He chuckled after as if it were all just a game to him, which I knew it was.

My eyes wandered to my beautiful baby boy wrapped in everything I could find. In an attempt at keeping him warm. So far it was working, he was sound asleep even after all of that. Neo however had his ears covered with his hands, I told him whenever he heard the man yelling he was to cover his ears. No need for him to hear the vulgarness coming out of that wicked mouth. I tried to shield him from the Man's torment, the best I could at least.

I listened for a few more grumbles before it became somewhat quiet again.

"Phew...okay okay" I sighed out, "What else do we need?" My eyes lit up at the sight of two full dingy and old water bottles thrown out on the ground.

Okay, I have water, a blanket over semi warm clothes for me. My eye slowly edged down the beat up old thin jacket that draped over my cut and bruised torso before glancing at the ripped large sweatpants that hung low on my waist with no shoes. Before My brown eyes glided over Neo's standing form, noting the large bleach stained sweatshirt that almost reached his knees. Along with thick dirty grey thermal pants and worn out combat boots that were slightly too large for him. But something was better than nothing.

Anything else?...

"Money...?" I knew he had large stashes saved for his drugs or when we relocated but how and should I even risk it?...

I tilted my head up looking to where only concrete stood between us.

Deep breath in.

Now shake it out. I slightly wiggled while exhaling.

"Okay Anni, you got this"

HA. Sike. One wrong move and that could be it. My inner thoughts decided to betray me by butting in.

Oh shush come on. All you have to do is sneak past once he is passed out. -Which should be any second- grab and go...

I looked back at my sleeping son, then to Neo who had confusion and worry written all over his face. His little fists clenched tightly, with his eyes glued to my form.

I took three more long breaths before slowly guiding myself to what could be the end of my life...and my two sweet boys.

"...Lord, give me strength..."

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