"Yeah, Alex isn't mine either. Guess we both live with lies." I joke, he rolls his eyes.

"And Jefferson- don't expect to get away with the shit you do." I say as Mr. Schuyler walks in, shutting the entire class to shut up.


After geometry, I start walking to writing. I start walking to Alex.

"Bitch, get your little boyfriend to leave me the fuck alone!" I hear Jefferson shout quietly.

I run over to a corner of a wall, peaking out. I see Jefferson lifting Alex up by his collar, Alex hanging a few inches above the ground, smirking at Jefferson.

"Nah, he's cute. He can do whatever the hell he wants. Plus, he's older than me, that would be disrespectful." he laughs subtly. Jefferson rolls his eyes.

"If you don't tell your ugly ass boyfriend to stop bugging m-"

"Did you just call him... ugly?"

"Indeed I did, Alexander." Jefferson smiles maniacally.

"Listen, fuck with me all you want. Talk about my best friend? You got hell to pay, Jefferson." Alex snaps.

Alex quickly lifts his knee to Thomas' crotch, cause Thomas to let go of Alex and falling over. Alex goes around Jefferson so he can pin his hands down without kneeling on top of him.

"Would you like to repeat that, TJ?"

"Alex, get the hell off of me. I will fuck both you and your boyfriend up."

"Take it back, or else, Jefferson."

"Or else what, Alexander?"

"I will spit on your face."

"You wouldn't."

Alex pauses for a second, swishing around saliva in his mouth

"Alex, stop." Jefferson demands.

"Do you take it back?"

"Y-Yes!" Jefferson continues to squirm.

"Hm... I don't know. I don't feel like swallowing my spit..."

"ALEX!" Jefferson yells.

"Promise me with your life. You hurt me, you get a punch or two. Hurt John, you're dead to me, Jefferson."

"Okay! Okay!" Jefferson yells.

Alex hesitantly lets go.

Jefferson stands up and brushes himself off. He walks down the math hallway.

I run up to Alex, hugging him.

Alex looks confused, but he hugs me back. We get to King George's class right as the bell rings, taking our seats.

"I saw you fighting Jefferson... you stood up for me." I whisper while typing the essay assigned.

"Of course, John. You did so much for me. I can't someone like that hurt you."

I nod, a blush spreading across my face.

"You blushinnnn?" Alex teases.

"Hmph." I grumble, continuing the essay.

"You're cute." He mutters, opening a Word file on his laptop.


I walk out of the building and get into the car. I wait for Alex as I usually do, but I hear a tap on my side of the car. I look over at... Jefferson.

He has a smirk on his face. Shit.

I roll my window down, "Yes, Jefferson?"

"You waiting for Alex?" He asks.

"Yeah..?" I respond.

"Good. Well, don't bother. You should go home." He says, walking away.

I grab my phone and check the tracker to see where he was. Behind the school...

I get out of the car, rushing behind the school. I hide behind one of the walls, not wanting to put myself into a situation I shouldn't be in.

Madison, Jefferson, and Lee are surrounding Alex. I wait, seeing what would happen next.

"Glad you could make it, Hammy." Jefferson says, pacing around.

"Why am I here, Jefferson?"

"You said that if I hurt you, I would only get a few punches, but if I hurt your little boyfriend, you'd basically kill me." Jefferson states.

"Okay?" Alex replies, annoyed.

"Well, what if I killed you first, Hammy?"

My jaw drops. I fumble for my phone, reminding me of the day we were sent to the hospital- I get a grip on reality and open up my voice recorder. I start the recording and shove my phone back in my pocket.

"You wouldn't TJ, what would that do for you?"

"All I ever wanted was you, Alexander. If I can't have you, then I will use John. Simple."

Alex nods, following the shitting plan. "Why wouldn't you just ask to date me or something?"

"You would say no. You're obviously in love with Laurens." He scoffs.

"I'm not, though... I'm in love with you, TJ..." Alex replies.

I gasp... my breathing fluctuates, and I get dizzy. I grab my phone, stop the recording and try to text the Schuylers-

John: help school panic

Peggy: John? are you okay?

John: outside of building. panicking. track pho

My vision fades.

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