Page Seventeen.

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I woke up to loud music. Noticing another party was happening, I rolled my eyes and turned over. The door opened. I peeked only to see Young walk in.

"Come on." She said.

"Hell nah." I mumbled.

Laying back down facing the wall.

"Bitch, get up." Natasha said.

I snapped my neck, seeing this girl smirking.

"Who are you calling a bitch?" I asked.

"You, who else?" she questioned.

I glanced over at Young, who was giving me a look before leaving the room, knowing what she was trying to make me do.

"You think you are all that now, huh?" I questioned.

"I've been all that and at least I know how to be more than a basement rat." Natasha said, laughing.

"That's better than being a girl who would give up her pussy to live and trade all her old gang information." I said.

"I mean, I want to live, and if that's the only way, then I will do as I please." She said.

"You are disgusting. I don't know what Owen sees in you." I said, scrunching my face up.

"He sees a fine woman who will give him everything he ever wanted." She said.

"You're the only one he sees fine here." I said.

"Oh really? That's not what he said to me last night." She said.

A small laugh escaped her mouth.

"Anyway, he wants to see you." She added.

We both left out of the room, heading straight to a private room, walking in. Owen sat at the desk.

"Natasha, you're not needed for this conversation." He said.

"I don't think..." she tried saying.

Owen cocked his gun. Natasha sucked her teeth before heading out of the room, slamming the door.

"I thought she was your girl. She isn't allowed to attend talks?" I asked.

"She is my resource for getting more weapons and drugs, but this isn't about her right now. I'm wondering what I should do with you." He said.

A silence came upon the room for a moment.

"You're quieter than usual." He added.

"You can just kill me at this point." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What's the fun in that?" He asked.

I sighed, looking at the ceiling, hoping for this conversation to be over.

"Can they send me back to the basement so you and Natasha can leave me the hell alone?" I asked.

"Why do you care so much about Natasha and me?" He asked.

"I really don't. All I hope is that you catch something from her since she has probably been run through by everyone from her old little gang, including that man you killed." I replied.

"Watch your mouth?" He said, angrily.

"Or what? Are you going to hit me again, choke me?" I questioned.

A slight smirk appeared on my face while folding my arms. His foot tapped rapidly, looking away from me.

"Get out." He said.

"With pleasure." I said.

I left the room with two of his boys who walked me back. I looked over to see Natasha and some random guy chatting.

"I'll call you." She said.

"Alright." The boy said.

He walked out, exiting the room.

"You seem mighty comfortable." I said.

"I am comfortable, actually." She said.

"So Owen allows you to flirt and suck other guy's dicks too, huh?" I said.

I don't know why, but a smile stayed on my face even as she approached me.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" She asked.

"I'm Sasha, what's up?" I asked back.

"You're nothing. At least I get the title of being Owen's main chick here." She said, making a slight grin.

Natasha flipped her hair as she continued staring at me, walking back to where she was.

"That's not something you should be very proud of because he'll possibly kill you like the rest of his hoes before you." I stated.

The smile disappeared from her face, and anger replaced it.

"What did you just say?" She asked.

"You heard me loud and clear, bitch." I said.

Natasha started running towards me. I quickly punched her in the nose before we both fell on the floor, holding each other by our hair and shirt until someone began pulling her off.

"Let me go!" She shouted.

"Yeah, let her go." I said, smiling.

She kneed the boy in the gut, breaking away from his hold, proceeding to run back at me. Young got in the middle, swinging hard at the back of Natasha's head, making her fall.

"Damn!" a boy shouted.

"The party is over. Everybody get the hell out!" Young yelled.




After the party ended, I was back in the basement, happy that I didn't lose a fight and actually won this time. I heard the door open, making me look in the direction.

"Are you still up?" Owen asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be with your girl?" I questioned.

"Natasha is not my girl. She's my resource. Besides, I don't want to catch anything." He mumbled the last part.

"Yeah, whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

Owen grabbed me up from the bed by my neck.

"What was that?" He questioned.

I remained silent, not answering him, only to see his eyes travel from my eyes to my lips, and moving closer.

"Owen..." I said.

Before I could say another word, I was caught off by kissing me. A second into kissing, he applied his tongue and moved me onto my back. A slight gasp escaped my mouth as he broke the kiss, sitting back up. There was an awkward silence afterwards. Owen got up, heading to the door.

"Sasha." He said.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"Nice punch to the face." He said.

I smiled as he closed the door, locking it. When it was finally closed, I thought about the kiss that had just happened.

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