Page Twelve.

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I woke up, feeling someone's arms wrapping around me, already knowing who it was. I yawned before seeing a wrinkled up note on the dresser. I looked back at Owen, who was sleeping, and opened it.

I know your secret, little bitch.

I jumped, looking away from the note, thinking of every little thing I tried keeping away, then it hit me.

"What are you doing?" Owen groaned.

"Oh, nothing." I stuttered.

his eyes landed on the note in my hand.

"What are you holding?" He asked, pointing.

"A piece of trash. I'll throw it away." I got up only to have the paper snatched out of my hand.

"I know your secret." He read it out loud while his eyes landed on me.

"Your sister wrote that." I blurted out.

"Are you hiding anything from me?" Completely ignoring what I said.

"No." I lied.

"Good then. No need to worry about this note." He tossed it aside, laying back down.

"How did Young even know where we were to send this?" I asked.

"She knows about this place. It's another one of our little hideouts." He said. Before I say anything back. The door opened, Young leaned on the side of it with a devilish grin on her face.

"So, are you really going to get together with this chick?" Young tilted her head, still grinning.

"We are just..." She cocked her gun, instantly making me shut up.

"Young, why are you so mad?" Owen sat up.

"Nigga, you realize if I didn't shoot dad or even exist your little bitch ass would've been dumb or better yet, I know for a fact your ass would've ended up just like me." Young shouted.

"Can you chill out?" Owen shouted back.

"How am I going to chill out when you chose someone whose parents are cops!" Young got directly in his face, shouting once more.

A silence grew after Owen turned around, looking at me hard.

"Your parents are cops?" His voice softened.

"Yes..." I looked down, avoiding eye contact.

"If we let this bitch go, she will go snitching to her parents about you, me, and our gang." She pointed outside.

"Owen, you know I wouldn't." I said.

He sat there with no emotion before letting out a quick sigh.

"You are not leaving our gang anytime soon. I take back every word I have said to you yesterday. Owen said, leaving the room.

"You really thought you were that slick, huh?" Young walked over.

"I wasn't going to snitch." A mumble came out.

"Funny, the last girl Owen was with said the exact same thing, then turned up dead." She said, before letting out a little laugh.

"What?" I stuttered.

"You heard exactly what I said." She left the room, heading downstairs, slamming the door. I walked out of the room downstairs and heard talking outside.

"Young!" Owen shouted.

"What do you want?" She asked, turning around from the car door.

"I just wanted to say..." He tried talking.

"I do not care what you have to say to me at the moment. Go to hell." She said, hopping into her car.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I'm going to make sure her damn parents don't find us." She said.

"Wait..." He tried grabbing her door handle.

She sped off, leaving a dust trail. I opened the door and watched as the car disappeared into the woods.

"She's going to kill my parents?" I say, causing him to jump back.

"Sasha?" He said, shocked.

"That's all your fucking family does, kill!" I shout.

He walked over to me silently; I pushed him out of anger. His hands went around my neck afterwards.

"Who the hell are you hitting?" He said, yanking me closer to him.

"Let go!" I screamed.

"No, you want to hit people." He pointed out.

His grip tightened. My hands went to his wrist, trying to pry him off.

"What are you going to do? Kill me like you did your ex?" I asked.

I felt his grip finally soften.

"Who the fuck told you that?" his tone of voice changed.

"Go to hell." I spat.

His grip began tightening more than before. Soon everything began blurry, feeling my body collapse, seeing nothing but black.

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