Page Four.

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I woke up to loud hip hop music. Welcome to my hood was playing. Young soon came into the room wearing a crop top and ripped baggy jeans.

"Get up, you have school." She said while messaging on her phone.

"What do you mean, I got school?" The pillow muffled my voice.

"Bitch, just get up." I felt her roll her eyes.

"Can you go a day without cussing?" I asked, getting up.

"I was born to cuss when I want and not to mention you cuss as well, smart mouth." Young turned around to leave. She wasn't slick. I saw my phone in one of her back pockets.

"Hey, I need my phone!" I shouted, getting her attention.

"No, because we all know for a fact, you will call the cops." She said.

"I'm not!" I shouted once more.

"Bitch, please." She left the room. I walked out after she was gone for fifteen minutes and went to the bathroom. If you are wondering how I left the room, me and Owen came to an agreement to let me out sometimes. I left the bathroom where I ran into a brown skin boy. He was fine.

"Well," I felt myself blush a bit.

"Watch where you are going, loudmouth." he said with an attitude.

"Hold up, what?" His voice was familiar.

"You are the one who shouted all day that other day and gave my girl a hard time." He was the person shouting "shut up" the other day that was wrapped around my head until I played back to the part when he said "my girl."

"Your girl? Are you trying to tell me that?" I was cut off.

"I'm Young's boyfriend." he nodded.

I felt my heart break thinking I found a crush. Then again, he was probably a gang member as well, since he was in this place. Young came walking by.

"Mike, don't spend your time talking to this girl." Young said.

"Alright." He looked over at her, smiling, causing her to smile. I was watching as he walked over to her, hugging and acting all lovey-dovey.

"Ugly ass couple." I mumbled. I looked up to see Young side-eyeing me.

"Want to repeat that again?" She looked at me. I don't know what it was about her but she triggered me.

"I said you are an ugly ass couple nig!" I covered my mouth, realizing what I almost said. Young's eyes darkened. She ran up, punching the side of my head while grabbing me by my hair. She yanked me down before beginning to stomp me. Mike and Owen out of nowhere came and got her off me.

"Watch your back, bitch!" She kicked the wall while being carried off by Mike.

"You really pissed her off this time." He stared at me.

"I-It just came out." I stuttered.

"Well, if I hear or she hears you say it again, well, you probably already know the rest." he shrugged his shoulders.




Owen later took me to school. I got out of the car heading to my first class. I sat in my seat looking out the window, tapping my foot, hoping today would go by fast until Young came walking in death staring at me, making me sink into my seat, and closer to the window.

"You must think you are tough to be saying shit like that." She sat on the desk next to mine.

"Like I told Owen, it was an accident." I said, not making eye contact.

"It wasn't an accident, so don't try pulling that it was an accident bullshit with me. You're lucky my brother is keeping you alive, or else I would be happy to just kill your racist ass right now." she said.

"Your brother what?" I asked. Young got up, heading to the back of the room while I sat there wondering who could even deal with her.

"What's up with you?" I jumped, turning around to see Owen.

"Warn me, damn it." I took a deep breath.

"We are having a party at the house. If you are going to behave, you can join." He sat down next to me.

"I'd rather die in that room." I bit my pencil.

"Mhm, you say that. Now wait until the party begins." He leaned back.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I'm going to head back, have a fun cupcake."

"Have fun, cupcake." One of the boys in the class mocked him while two of his friends chuckled.

"You forgot I'm gang?" Owen raised his voice. The three were silent while Owen got up, heading to the back, sitting with Young, who was still staring at me. It was like this I wish I didn't run into that junkyard.

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