Page Five.

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It was the night of the party; I was back in the room hoping no one would bother me for the night. I got up once I heard the door open.

"Owen wants to see you." Young looked at me.

I rolled my eyes, turning over on the bed away from her.

"Please don't try me tonight." I remained in the same spot until she pulled me by my foot, dropping me on the ground hard.

"Chill out!" I shouted.

"I said Owen wants to see you. Let's go!" she shouted back. I got up quickly, following her out of the room, upstairs, where I saw the entire party going on.

"Oh, hell no." I was heading back to the basement, but Young yanked my arm.

"Bitch, hurry up." She rolled her eyes. I walked past the crowd where I felt someone grinding up against me.

"Aye cutie." a boy came from behind me.

"You ain't my type, sorry." I tried walking off but ended up getting grabbed by the neck.

"What you mean, I'm not your type?" He got close to my face.

"Umm," I was scared to speak.

"Something wrong?" Young opened up her denim jacket. Me and the boy both looked down seeing her gun.

"I'm out." He let go of me, jogging off. Young grabbed me yet again, pushing me into a room, closing it.

"Hey!" I banged on the door.

"Quit yelling," I turned around seeing Owen sitting at a desk.

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"Since you have been here for quite a while, I want to make you a part of this gang." He said.

"I would rather die." Once I said that, Owen cocked his gun, about to aim it.

"Chill, I was just joking, goddamn!" I raised my hands up.

"This is not something to joke over." He slid the gun back down.

"Why should I even join your stupid gang" I don't know how it happened, but the next thing I knew he had grabbed me by my neck.

"My gang ain't stupid and I wouldn't be the one talking, since you are the one who trespassed on our territory to begin with." He said.

"You just happened to be the only one who went over into that junkyard." he shrugged.

"You are telling me I'm the first one to go over into that place?" I asked, while he nodded.

"Great to know. I'm not joining your gang, so I'm going to head back to my little prison room you made for me." I threw up a peace sign, walking away, but Owen grabbed me again.

"If you join, you won't be locked in that room so much and you could be more respected by becoming my girl." Silence began forming in the room. I backed up.

"I hardly even know you, not to mention ya'll kidnapped me." I said, looking him up and down in disgust.

"That is true, and you brought that on yourself because everyone knows not to randomly run their ass in a junkyard. I'm just saying if I give you that title, you will be treated more nicely and maybe have Young bow to you." he said while I knew for a fact the last one was never happening.

"Just think about it." He walked back over, sitting down while I exited out the door.

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