She recoiled internally at the word "little" and thought it would be best to reserve any free thoughts with her boss.

"I have so many plans for you Jennie and this is why I trust you with the following solo mission. I need you to obtain Ms Park's personal laptop. Or at the very least as much information on it as possible," he paused for any questions but hearing non he continued.

"I'm certain that you will be able to accomplish this," he got up and made his way to her.

"But Sir, I thought we should just observe her and then make judgements. I don't know if I'm comfortable enough to go through her personal possessions," Jennie didn't want to do this.

"That's true and you will still be doing that. But we also need more. It won't take too much Jennie. Once you have it you must bring it to me personally," he knelt before her and placed a hand on her cheek.

"Remember Jennie, you are the future of this agency. You and team Blackpink. We are trying to weave out any threat that will jeopardise that. Ms Park could intentionally or unintentionally be exactly that," he smiled warmly.

As he got up he told her that he knew she would be able to do this. He sat at his desk and returned to some papers in front of him. Jennie knew she actually had no choice in this situation. Getting up she thanked him for his time and left. Peering at the door YG placed the papers down and buzzed the intercom button.

"Please send him in, I'm ready."

Chae noticed that the passageway was dimly lit. Looking up she saw some of the lights had fused. Gathering her thoughts, she made her way further down. When she had come out on level -1 the reception area was not well kept either. The receptionist was really surprised to even see her. Apparently it was rare for anyone above the 0's to make a casual visit to the negative levels. Regardless she was real helpful in directing Chae to where she might find Lee Hi. The woman apparently stayed on level -15. Now she was here and the state of this part of the agency is truly dreary. She knocked purposefully.

The team didn't make any plans today. She thought that this would be a good opportunity to slip out and meet this woman. She knocked again. The emptiness on either side echoed her efforts. She lowered her fist and waited for a response. She hoped that the woman wasn't out since she didn't want to make it a habit to come down here. Someone would notice and that would just draw unnecessary attention. She was about to knock again when the door opened. A slim woman groggily rubbed her eyes as she asked what she wanted.

"Are you Lee Hi?"

The woman stared at her before pulling Chae by the arm. Stumbling behind her, Chae was dragged to a living room. It was smaller than her own but it looked better than the outside hall. The woman shoved her on the couch and disappeared in to another room. She waited for about five minutes before the woman reappeared. She watched as the woman rushed in to the kitchen and came out with two drinking glasses. Chae saw that she was also carrying a bottle of wine.

"Is Rosé okay?" she asked

Chae understood the question and quickly replied yes. With that the woman opened the bottle and poured them each a glass. She crossed her legs and smiled cheekily at Chae. Sipping the wine, Chae tasted the hint of Pinotage and enjoyed the mixture of flavours. She drank happily.

"You're young. Minzy had told me but you look like a baby," she said.

Chae gulped down the drink in her hand and immediately poured her another one. She rarely drank because it didn't have much of an effect on her. However, she enjoyed its bitterness occasionally. She would take her time on the second one.

"Yes I am. Honestly I don't know why they sent me here," she closed the bottle.

"Aww don't you like it?" the woman giggled.

"Are you Lee Hi?" she asked

"Yes, unfortunately I am," Lee looked down sadly

Chae cursed herself for making the woman sad and wondered how she could cheer her up. But she wasn't afforded the chance.

"Rosé, he's probably speaking with him as we speak," she gazed at her wristwatch.

"Who?'' she asked

"A Nigerian businessman who has ties in some highly lucrative deals. I'll give you his full details before you leave," she whispered.

"How did you get a hold of this information?" asked Chae

"I have been stuck in YG's dungeons for the majority of my career. Down here people do what doing does best, they get things done. By any means possible."

"That sounds...cruel and necessary," said Chae.

"You would know wouldn't you," Lee smirked.

"The dungeons aren't what they appear to be. They serve a purpose too. Would you like a tour?"

Chae huffed her cheeks but thought that it would be for the best. They made their way out. When they entered the elevator Lee pressed a series of numbers. They moved but the buttons didn't light up. Chae wondered if she should just follow this woman. As the doors opened on a floor that didn't have a number, she realised there was no turning back.

Jennie was met by Lisa and Jisoo outside her door. She led them inside and they all saddled on to the couch. Jennie couldn't even gain her breath before she was hurdled with questions

"Why did he want to speak alone with you? Are you okay? Is it serious?" Lisa rushed out her words.

Jisoo placed a hand behind Lisa's back. She too didn't like the fact that Jennie was alone with YG. They had all had horrible experiences when it came to being alone with people in power. She looked at Jennie and saw that her friend didn't have much colour in her face. Turning to Lisa she realised none of them did.

"I'm fine Lis. We spoke about the Cass issue but he says he still believes in me. That was about it really," she didn't want to tell them everything.

"Guys I don't know about this. I feel kinda of scummy if we have to spy on Chae or whatever. Besides if it is true then he expects us to," Lisa couldn't finish the sentence.

Jisoo patted her back a little more and nudged the younger girl closer. That was the real issue and they didn't want to admit it. She looked at Jennie and wondered what her friend was feeling.

"Jennie, are you okay with this?"

"None of us are Chu. But what can we do. Let's just finish the investigation. I don't know if what he says is true about Chae but let's deal with that when we get there," Jennie brushed her hair to the side.

She thought about the red head. Chae has consistently been good to them. But they cannot deny that they didn't really know much about her. Even Lisa, who claimed the girl to be her best friend, didn't fully know everything about her. It was concerning and she knew they all felt the same. Biting her lip she prayed that they found nothing. 

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