Elizabeth pov
I stared at Taylor in shock it was really her no one had the same scar as me . I couldn't breathe if she was here he'd know where she was. He always knew where she was. 
  I looked away and they just kept asking questions .  My thoughts started to get to me. I couldn't breathe I stood up " I'm going to go out side for some air. " I went over to the door fast as I could.  Swung the door open and the cold air felt amazing. I shut it quickly and paced on the walk way. 
  The door opened and she came out and ran down the stairs.
" you're alive it's really you right ? Elizabeth ?"
"Y-yeah T it's me " she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back just as tight. My breathing calmed down. 
" he came back that day with so much blood on him I thought he killed you. He said he did. I'm sorry Elizabeth. I should've-". She started panicking. We let go.  
I cut her off " he almost did but he didn't. I just really can't have kids now.  No tubes ain't got shit in there.  Well I got uterus but yeah " I laugh awkwardly
" how are you laughing ?"    " because he's not worth crying over anymore and I'm trying not to have a panic attack. He beat the shit out of me for years. I can't let him control me anymore. But uh is he here in California? "
She still had brown hair and and green eyes with a pretty smile. She didn't have bruises or cuts on her forearms anymore but neither did I. 
She shook her head no
  " no I uh I ran and I got far away as possible and that well was here with the money I had. Then I got a job and have restraining order against them and their two friends. But uh I noticed you didn't ..."
I had tears in my eyes again I blinked them
Back. " he can take Henry away from me and anyone can walk through a order like that. Just I know what he's capable of and what Lucas is capable of. Taylor Henry is my everything and-".     She put her hand up to stop me " is the rumor true well not rumor but I over heard one day.  He raped you ? Right ? Why didn't you tell me ? Elizabeth we could have gotten him for raping an underage girl "
  I didn't want to think about it. But there wasn't much to remember really. " I-I don't remember much at all about it. I remember telling him I didn't want too and he said fine and hit me but then that night after dinner.  I passed out and I woke up and I -I uh I was naked and everything hurt so bad.  I had bruises all over my body. I just pretend it didn't happen. Just no one would care ...I stayed with him even after that. Taylor he wouldn't have gotten arrested you know that ! Lucas would gotten him off ! You know that. Fuck Taylor we shouldnt even date anyone. Stiles and uh uh derek ? Right yeah. Have targets on their foreheads " I tap my forehead as I say it.

She started crying " I'm so sorry.  Im so sorry Elizabeth.... but you and I both know that Seb couldn't rape someone. He could barely have sex with you." I sighed and hugged her I ignored where she was going with it. " you do realize you can't post pictures of yourself on social media right ??"
   She nodded " I know I remember very well how he does that shit.  Plus we are on the top of his hit list ..."    he always told us he had our faces in a system that could pick us out in a search on any social media.  I let go
  I sat on the steps " yeah well I'm a hard bitch now I'll fight back this time.  Uh jack knows I had to tell him he was so so mad at me.  He said things last night to me and stiles and just he told him about the suspected rape last night and how I was a fighter at one point and let Sebastian beat me. "
  She looked shocked and sat by me " how did stiles take that ?"
" stiles is like a gift from the heavens.  I really think mom sent me him. God Taylor he's perfect !  I know I said I never needed to get married but him I'd marry him tomorrow if I could. But also I haven't given him time to talk about yesterday. I just I can't relive that part of my past again  "  just thinking about stiles made me smile.
" he seems pretty nice ya know. Just ahh he has the same issues as you. to what I've seen and heard. Actually I had pretty deep talk with him one time he was drunk but I talked about you and how you made it through it. "
" wouldn't exactly say made it... I got pregnant by psychopath and I got my 2nd mom killed. Also I almost lost my best friend. "
She shrugged " you had some bumps but hey we made it right. "
   We were quiet for a while
" how long have you been with Derek ?"
" about 7 months he knows about my brothers and you  .... they are different I don't know what's wrong with them"
  I gave her a look " like us or like the freaks next door to us in 8th grade or do you mean the shit I swear on my life we saw junior year after our last tournament?"
  She laughed " those freaks were drugs addicts and uh I don't know I really don't know. Just they are friends and they are so fucking close."
   I shrugged " Taylor we been attached at the hip from age 7 - 22 when I left "
  " no Elizabeth like they do bonding days and group vacations "   I sighed we were so fucked up that normal shit was weird to us.
" T that's normal people shit we are just so fucked up from your brothers that we don't know normal people stuff.  "
   We were quiet again.
" so you've slept with stiles I assuming  "
I covered my blush with my hands.
" he must be special ".   "He is but the other day we weren't up early enough to clean everything up and -"
" clean what up ? What kind of sex are you all having " she started laughing
" okay little miss I fucked my boyfriend on the -" she slapped her hand over my mouth
  " you swore you wouldn't bring that shit up ! "
  " well I just did but uh my bra was in the kitchen.  I didn't think we took it off there but I guess we did. I don't know.  " I shrug " side note billy was never the same after you all did that there. Mostly because I saw I think that scared him. Which was one of thee most awkward days of my life might I add"
   " well billy is now Brittany. But when you marry him I'm your maid of honor.  just to let you know post pregnancy/ abusive boyfriend/ bartender body is looking fine as well.  If I was stiles I'd fuck you tonight in those pants ".  I got up laughing " Taylor what's wrong with you ".  She threw her hands up " do you still have those leather looking pants ?" I smiled " honey I'm a single mom who has to pay out the ass for a therapist for her child. Better fuckin believe I have those. I wear them on big game nights."
She laughed " I have taught you well ! Also I'm like this because those girls in there ... aren't you. They wouldnt get or understand.  " I shrugged I guess not

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