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Suicide Facts

Jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge has a 98% fatality rate.

26 people have survived after jumping from the bridge.

The tenth leading cause of death in the u.s. is suicide.

The second leading cause of death in teens worldwide is suicide.

Depression affects 1/4 of Americans every year.

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are 3 times more likely to have a suicide attempt then straight people.

One suicide affects at least six other people.

Firearms accounted for a little more than half suicide attempt methods.

1 in 5 adults will experience some mental illness every year.

More than 90% of people who die by suicide show symptoms of a mental health condition.

Suicide is not the answer. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Life is the greatest gift that's ever been given. If you're suffering from mental health don't wait until tomorrow to get help, get help now.

National suicide prevention hotline:

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