Once again Ch.12

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Betty's Pov
I could tell that the phone call pissed him off. He sat back down next to me. I lay on his chest and he puts his arm around me.
{B} Whats wrong Juggie?
{J} Nothing Betts, don't worry about it
I sit up.
{B} Jug, if it upsets you, I'm going to worry. So can you please just tell me.
He sighs.
{J} Fp..uh, he was arrested last night. And he wants me to bail him out, again.
{B} i'm so sorry Juggie
{J} You shouldn't be. It's not your fault my dads a drunk.
I give him a tight hug.
{B} So what are you going to do?
{J| Nothing, I've bailed that man out too many times. This time he's on his own.
I nod and we lay back down.
>Next day<
Jughead pov
I help check Betty out of the hospital and drive her back to my trailer. When we walk inside there's bottles everywhere, it looks like someone just threw a party. I sigh
{J} I'm so sorry Betty. I didn't think that it would be this d-
{B} It's okay Jughead. I don't mind.
{J} We still have to get your clothes.
She sighs.
{B} Is it okay if you pick them up? I'm sure they're packed in bags outside. I just don't feel that good.
I nod.
{J} Okay I'll be right back. Call me if you need me.
{B} I will.
I walk towards the door hesitantly, not wanting to leave her alone.
{J} Okay...I'm gonna be back as fast as I can.
I run out the door and hop onto my bike and speed to her house.
Betty pov
As soon as Jughead runs out the door I get to work. I grab a trash bag and start clearing away all beer bottles and solo cups. When the tables and counters are clear I grab the vacuum and start vacuuming the whole house. When I finish, I wash the dishes, and about an hour later I'm exhausted. I admire my work then pass out on the couch.
Jughead pov
When I get back to the trailer I carry all of her bags inside. When I enter I'm flabbergasted by the scene. Betty wanted to stay home just so she could clean the trailer. I walk into the bedroom to put her bags down but she isn't in the bed. I walk back into the living room and see her laying on the couch. I smile, I cannot wait until the day, when she's truly mine. I didn't want to wake her up, so I gently picked her up and carried her to the bed. I laid her down in the bed, I took off her jacket. I took off my shirt and put on some joggers. I crawled up in the bed next to Betty and put my arms around. I covered us up and fell asleep.
Betty pov
When I wake up I hearing arguing. I feel around, Jughead's not laying next to me anymore. I get up and creep towards the cracked door. I peak through the crack. I see Jughead and another Serpent, who I'm guessing was his father, Fp. I can't make out what they're yelling about. He starts to scream at Jughead some more. Jughead yells something back at Fp, which makes him even more angry. Fp gets really close to Jughead and then he hits him in the face. I gasp and start to whimper, as Jughead falls to the floor. Jughead stands up and I watch the two fight each other off. When Jughead falls to the floor again, he doesn't get back up this time. Fp stands over him and raises his hand to hit him, but before he hits Jughead. I run and cover Jughead's body with mine. Taking the impact of Fp's punch. I stand up and push Fp away from Jughead. He stumbles backward and I push him out the door, I run and slam the door. Fp continues to bang on the door, but I ignore it. I run over to Jughead, he still on the floor. I help him up, he was wobbly and drowsy from the previous punches. He had bruises and small cuts on his face. I walk him to the room and lay him down in the bed. I lock the door. He falls asleep almost instantly, I check the time, it was 2am. I sigh and lay back down next to Jughead, running my hands through his hair. I try my hardest to fall asleep through the banging and knocking.

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