The begining

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Betty's POV
[Diary Entry: Things here were never suppose to be so bad. We all figured after the death of our beloved Jason Blossom, things would be different. The town, became better but, the people seemed to be more evil. My best friend Veronica Lodge, left me, to hang out with Cheryl's posse of mean girls. She acts like I don't even exist anymore. I'm thinking about trying out for the River Vixens, hopefully that will get her to notice me more. And we can become friends again. My boyfriend Archie Andrews, changed the most I think. He became more...ruthless and mean. Which his football coach liked and promoted him to team captain. My mother also became more of a bitch, she always gets so pissed whenever I do something. It's probably because my father left about a month ago, again, with Polly. He says that she's been bad and "needs a break to cleanse herself of all evil of our family." But really I think that's just his cover up to runaway and go hook up with another woman, Polly just got sucked into his lie by accident. But anyways I'll be back later, until next time diary.
I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs, I stretch. I roll out of bed and grab my phone checking the time, 1hour until school starts. Perfect. I do my morning routine and put on some clean clothes. I skip downstairs, I see my my mom cooking breakfast.
{B} Morning mother!
{A} Will you quiet down! Ugh, aren't you suppose to be at school?
{B} School doesn't start for another,,,,30minutes!
{A} I'd wish it would start sooner, so you'd leave.
{B} Don't have to ask me twice.
I walk over and snatch a piece of bacon off her pan. She slaps my hand and pushes me away, I run out the door. I fix my backpack and walk next door to Archie's house. I knock on his door, he opens and takes a look at me. He rolls his eyes,
{A} What Betty.
{B} Walk me to school?
He rolls his eyes once more and grabs his backpack that was conveniently sitting by the door. He walks out, shoving me out the way. He calls to his dad and then slams the door behind him. We begin to walk.
{B} So how've you been?
{A} Fine, why do you care?
{B} Archie...Please don't be like that...I haven't done anything to you yet.
He looks at me annoyingly.
{A} Yeah, whatever you're right. Let's just go.
We walk into the school and I give him a kiss before we part ways. I go throughout my day regularly, getting pushed around my the populars, getting insulted, and getting ignored by Archie. And then lunch comes around, I'm sitting in the students lounge. Mr. Weatherbee announces that Southside High is closing and that all their students would be transferred here. I smile, this could be my chance to actually make friends. I'm lost in my day-dream when the Bulldogs and Vixens storm into the student lounge.
{V} I can't believe those Southside Snakes, are coming to our school!!
{A} No way in hell were letting them come in here without a fight.
{B} Woah. Wait! We should at least give them a chance!?!
{C} Oh is Betty Draper, finally speaking up for herself!?
Archie and Veronica laugh, along with the rest of their squads. I roll my eyes holding back tears. I get up and run out the door, I run down a long hallway into a dark room. I sit down and cry.

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