Friends Ch.8

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Betty POV
I closed the door as Jughead leaves. I flop down on the couch and let out a long exhale. I lay down for awhile before the front door swings open. I roll my eyes, my mother stomps over to me.
{A} Get off my damn couch. You have a bed for a reason.
{B} Yes ma'am
I stand up and walk over to the edge of the stairs, feeling more alone with each step. My mind starts to drift into a deep thought which gets me to think about everything. I turn around and walk back down the stairs.
{B} Hey Alice.
{A} That's "mom" to you.
{B} Yeah I'm sure it is. Anyways. I'm just curious, if I died....would you care?
{A} Pshhh, I'd miss you, I suppose. But I'd also be a little relieved, less responsibilities.
I shake my head.
{B} Wow, I didn't know you could be anymore of a bitch.
I stomp up the stairs and into my room. I jump onto my bed and just lets all my tears out. I don't even know why I started crying, but I just did. I had a great night with Jughead but there's something about my mother that always gets to me. Makes me think, what is the point of living if your own mother doesn't even love you... I can't do this anymore.
I grab my phone and scroll through my contacts. For a minute I think about calling Jughead, just so I can tell him goodbye one last time. But then I realize it would make him more sad if I did. I don't want to hurt him, I know he'll miss me. But he will get over it quickly, and soon he'll move on and find a new girl to love and protect. I find Veronica's contact and text her, if there's anyone I wanna say goodbye to it's her. Even though she pretends to not know me, we both know that deep down she's just like me.
Veronica's pov
I'm dancing with a bunch of the Vixens and Cheryl. I decide to take a break and go sit on my couch. I look around a smile at the crowds dancing. Looks like another yet again successful party, thrown by Veronica Lodge, I think. I feel my phone vibrate, a text from Betty. I smile, it's kinda weird to see her texting me. Considering she hated me because of my new crowd of friends. I unlock my phone and read her text. I re-read the words over and over, tears starts to form.
>B: Veronica, I will always miss you. You used to be my best friend, and I will always love you. Just know that none of this is because of you. I'm doing this because I know and think it will be best to have one less problem for everyone to worry about. I'm sorry if I ever ruined your life, but it's okay because this all going to make up for it. Goodbye Veronica...<
I call her, no answer. I start to get more scared and anxious. I try calling Alice but she also declines. Cheryl walks over to me, clearly noticing my panic attack.
{C} What's wrong Ronnie?
{V} Betty....
I run upstairs and lock the door, I start to think. Who can I call. Archie, no he doesn't care about her. I think one more time and then the memory of Jughead and Betty walking throughout the halls come to mind. I call Toni, who's number I had from a flyer I got from somewhere. She answers
{T} What do you want. Ver-ron-ica!
{V} Look I know you hate me Toni, but I need your help.
{T} Why would I help you?
{V} Please! It's about Betty!!!
{T} What? I'm not helping you with your stupid plotting-
{T} W-w-what!?!
{V} Can you please call Jughead?
{T} Is this some sort of sick joke?
Tears start to fall out of my arms, my voice starts to crack.
{V} Toni. Please. I'm heading to her house now.
She hangs up and I run outside to my car.

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