Promise Ch.10

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Jugheads pov
We wait for hours, and then finally a doctor comes to talk to us. She walks into the room, she stands there looking us, with this look. I spring up out of my chair and walk over to her.
{J} Shes gone...isn't she?
The doctor pulls me away from the others.
{Doc}. Your friend is a very strong girl. She nearly almost didn't make it, but luckily she managed to pull through.
I nod, and felt relief wash all over me.
{J} So can I see her?
The doctor looks back down the hallway then back to me.
{Doc} I suppose.
I hug the doctor and then run down the hallway. I reach the room, and slide open the glass door, closing it behind me. I tip-toe over to her bedside. She lays in the bed looking pale and stiff. Her black eye was much more visible. I look down to her arms, they're wrapped in bandages. I wipe my tears away. I hesitate to grab her hand, thinking that I'll hurt her or something. So instead I put my hands right beside her hand and I kneel. I close my eyes and start thinking of all the good things about her, just waiting for her to wake up. I think about her smile, her laugh, and everything I love about her.
Betty POV
I cough, I feel a slight pain in my throat. I slowly blink my eyes open, even though my vision was mostly a blur. I look around and see Jughead kneeling beside the bed. I look down, I see that I am wearing a gown. It took me a minute to realize that I was in the hospital. No, no, no, no, whyyyyyy. I attempt to pick up my hand, but nothing happens. My arms just lays there stiff. My eyes start to clear up and bit more and I see bandage on my wrist. I groan. I still can't move my body and Jughead still doesn't know that I'm awake. I try my hardest and I eventually gather enough strength in my body to weakly place my hand on tops of his. He looks up and me and our eyes me.
{J} Betty, your awake. How are you feeling? The doctor said you might be feeling a little weak.
I look at him confused.
{J} Betty, do you remembered what happened?
The whole thing replays in my head. I try not to think about it but I can't. I look it to his eyes and nod. He tears up.
{J} Why. Why Betty?
{B} I was trying to numb the pain.
He shakes his head, his kisses me on my dry pale lips. When he parts he looks more worried. {J} Betty when I found you, I thought that was it...that you were gone....
{B} You found me? I don't understand.
{J} Veronica callee Toni crying, and Toni called me freaking out. I drove to your house as fast as I could.
{B} Jug, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you...
{J} No Betty, I should've stayed with you. I knew you were still hurting from what happened yesterday, but I still left anyways.
{B} That's the thing. I didn't want you to have to worry about me anymore. I don't want to hold you back from your life.
{J} Betty. You are my life. My father is grown, he can take of himself. The Serpents aren't in any danger, they don't need me.
I shake my head. But he grabs my face gently. He kisses me on the forehead. He slides off his beanie.
{J} Betty, from now on. Me and you, were partners at life, love, and everything else. Promise?
He slowly and carefully puts his beanie on my head. And kisses me again.
{B} Promise.

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