Patience Ch.5

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Jughead Pov
Weeks after weeks went by. It's now December. (A/n: Betty and Jug met around August) Me and Betty's friendship grew into best friends. I joined the Blue and Gold. We hung out almost all the time, which was sometimes interrupted by her idiot boyfriend, Archie. Most of the time we had to hang out secretly just so he wouldn't find out. Otherwise he'd give Betty another bruise. I don't know why she doesn't let me do anything, probably because she knows I'll kill him.
[Present day]
I'm sitting in the Blue and Gold, re-reading an article I was working on. I hear the door open and Betty walks in. I highlight my spot and spin my chair to face Betty. But my smiles gets wiped away when I see her covering her eye. I stand up and walk over to her, grabbing for her hand that's covering her eye. But she won't let me.
{J} Betty. Lemme see your eye!
{B} No, Jug it's okay.
She walks past me over to the window. I can tell she's purposely trying to face away from me. I sigh, getting more frustrated. I walk over to her and grab her shoulder pulling her closer to me. I wrap my arms around her, giving her a hug. She still facing away from me.
{J} Betty why won't you show me your eye...
{B} Because if I do I know you'll kill Archie
I roll my eyes, I wish you would let me.
{J} Just show me.
She sigh, I let go of her and she slowly turns around until she facing me. She slowly takes her hand away from her face. I look at her eye, its pretty much swollen shut, and purple.
{J} Betty, what the fuck! He's not getting away with this. This has gone to far.
I yank my Serpents jacket off my chair and stomp towards the door. But she runs in front of me, blocking the door.
{B} Juggie no! You promised!
{J} Betty I cant keep watching you come in here with a new scar everyday!
{B} Jug don't-
{J} No Betty. I'm not waiting until he puts you in a casket, to do something. I love you too much to lose you.
{B} w-w-what?
She looks at me, I look back at her. She pushes herself to me kissing me. I pick her up and put her on the table. The bells rings, interrupting our make out sesh. She lets go and I put her down. She blushes.
{B} Uhm. I gotta get to math. Cya later...Juggie.
She blushes then rushes out of the room and down the hallway. I smile as I watch her walk away. I left the Blue and Gold and went to my next class, meeting up with Toni in the hallway.
She gives me a grin.
{J} What?
She laughs. Takes out a napkin and wipes my face, showing me the pink lipstick stained napkin.
{T} So I see you a Betty didn't get a lot of work done today.
She laughs again, I roll my eyes.
{J} Whatever,
I pull out my phone and check my face for anymore lipstick. Me and Toni start walking down the hallway
{T} You didn't tell me she broke up with that red-headed fuck...
I stay silent, I was feeling a little guilty. Considering Betty kinda just cheated on Archie. Well not that fact that she cheated, just the part where he could possibly kill her for doing it.
{J} Well she didn't completely break up with him.
Toni's face turns shocked. I look at her.
{J} Oh calm down. It was just a kiss.
{T} No, look.
She points down the hallway. And I see it. The thing that makes me lose my shit.

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