Other Version of He's My Boyfriend

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Lucy's pov

The rain was pouring down heavily and I stood under the shed waiting for my boyfriend to pick me up. I was scrolling through my deafts in Wattpad when I heard the annoying clicks of heels.

"Lulu! How nice to see you!" I rolled my eyes as I heard the annoying pig. I looked up and saw Lisanna and her bunch of minions behind her. All wearing clothes that broke the dress code. Her boy friend, who happened to be the most popular boy, stood next to her with a smirk.

"Our anniversary is coming up. We'd like to get a brand new car from you." She said and gave me her infamous pu- I mean zombie eyes. I groaned internally. When will she ever leave me?

"Why should I? Are we even friends?" I asked eyeing her up and down with a disgusted face. Her face turned into fake pure shock before fake sadness.

"What are you talking about? We're friends Lulu, childhood friends even!" She fake cried.

"Yea. We were friends until you turned inti a big slutty bitch going after boy and boy." I said.

"You're just jealous that she looks better than you." One of her minions said.

"Yeah. She's prettier and smarter." Her other friend said. I walked up to Lisanna and I could see her glaring at me under her innocent facade.

"Smarter? Let's test that. I'm sure you can't even do basic Algebra. If x is equal to 5, what would be the answer to the equation y=-3x+4" I asked and her eyes widened.

"Uhhh......." She stuttered and I smirked.

"See. It's -11 honey. We learned that years ago. Now to test if you really are truly prettier." I said and went up to her with a wet cloth and rubbed it on her cheek. I pulled back and saw pink and skin toned dust on my handkerchief.

"Uh huh. Make up. Only clowns wear that." I said and went back 3 steps. She raised her hand and slapped me. I put  hand on where she slapped me and the stinging pain came but I didn't show it.

"Were you carressing my cheek? Why though?" I asked and she fumed in anger.

"I think you should calm down. I don't want my boyfriend to see me having wild animals as classmates." I said and she stopped.

"Boyfriend? Now I'm curios on who's heart you caught." She said and crossed her arms.

"I bet he's as ugly as her." Her minions whispered to each other. Wow! You guys are great whisperers! I can totally not hear you. I watched the rain drip and drop. Minutes passed and each minute got Lisanna to smirk wider.

"It seems like Lulu's so called boyfriend won't be coming." She said and her minions laughed including her boyfriend.

"Or there isn't any. She must be waiting for us to go so that she could go home alone." One of her minions said. I pity minions every singke day for having such disgraces to their race.

"Come on Lulu. Where's your boyfriend?" She asked and I heard a chorus of agreements with her. I haven't noticed but a crowd surrounded us now but still took cover from the rain.

"Why do you care?" I asked boredly. She rolled her eyes and tsked.

"Of course I care. I could show off to everyone who has relationships that I have the best botfriend in the world." She said.

"Yeah and the more you show off to the world the more the world knows how you're the worst girlfriend anyone could get." I said. A limo pulled up and everyone went silent. You would only hear the drops of rain hitting the sidewalk and road. I see the messy salmon hair and smiles. Lisanna giggled.

"I didn't know you were in to gays Lulu." She said but then her jaw dropped as my boyfriend's face came into view. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I felt a hand grasp mine.

"Hey Lulu we're going to party and karaoke. Invite your boyfriend to come." She said.

"I'm sorry but no." I said and took her hand off mine.

"Come on Lu. It's just the karaoke." She said.

"When she said no then it's a no." I turned around and saw Natsu. He smiled at me and took me under his umbrella. I could see Bickslow's jaw drop in shock. we were half way to the car when Lisanna spoke up.

"Did you know, your girlfriend flirts with every guy in school each day." She said. We both stopped and I looke up at Natsu who stared off ahead boredly.

"She would kiss every guy she sees and eats lunch with them." She continued. I was about to go there to beat the living shit out of her but Natsu gripped my hand  stopping me.

"You know white haired slut, you should stop lying. Your make up would come off and would show your true face. I bet every person you walk by would run away from you in fear of your ugliness. I also think that you should stop with the lies cause the makeup can't hold your growing nose. I bet you look like Pinochio when he lies everytime you take off your make up." Natsu said. I looked at him shocked but smiled.

"We best be going. Wouldn't want to be late for our date."I said when one of the audience yelled out something.

"W-Wait! A-Are you really....." She trailed off.

"Her boyfriend? Yeah." Natsu said proudly.

"Yup. He's my boyfriend alright." I said with a smile as we got in the car.

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