umbrella | T A E H Y U N G

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this one is about kim taehyung | the image is how he looks in this imagine.

You exhale, seeing your own breath fighting against the droplets of water falling, piercing through the cloud of warmth that's just left your lips.

You enjoy the rain. You enjoy the way it can cool you down on a drastic change in weather on a hot, summer's day. You enjoy the way it trickles down your coat, or the sound of it as it thuds against the roof of your eight year old car.

You also dislike the rain, though. You dislike the way it drenches you, stealing your warmth on an already cold day. You dislike the way it creeps through your jacket, and slips onto your skin, under your clothes. You dislike the way it hinders your already withering away car ; the rain's condensation and vapours getting clogged in the engine of your car, catching your car's breath, choking it, making it almost impossible to fight back and roar to life.

On this particular day - you dislike the rain. Not for any of the reasons above - it's just, today you've forgotten your umbrella. You gave it to your colleague at work, who was on her way to visit her newborn nephew. You couldn't risk her giving her newest family member a cold, could you? So here you are, stood outside the exit at work, embracing in the minimal shelter that the modern structure of the building luckily provides.

You've considered a cab, but with a surcharge as great as triple, you'd rather fall into a puddle - no, scratch that. You would rather drown, than waste what little money you earn from your minimum wage job in the middle of the swarming city, on a rude worker that never really drops you off at your home - they always stop a block away, and tell you to walk the rest.

You've decided to brave the rain, and face whatever consequences may face you. It's a good thing you don't wear eye makeup for work - you would bare a striking resemblance to the women from romance films, their eye makeup smudged as they're reunited with the loves of their lives at the last seven minutes of the film.

You exit the small shelter you'd found by the building, and head in the direction of your apartment. The soggy leaves that lie under your shoes pull you side to side in an attempt to bring you down and fall over - but you're used to the miserable weather in the city, and what the nature can do in an attempt to harm you. You feel your nose running from the cold, and you use the sleeve of your wool coat to wipe it before anyone sees. You should've gotten the taxi, you think to yourself, or at least asked someone if they had a spare umbrella.

The rain hammers against the concrete jungle surrounding you - you know this merely by the sound, and what is directly in front of your feet - you daren't look up. Avoiding eye contact in the city is, in your opinion, the best way to avoid conflict. Simply mumble a small, sincere sounding apology, and you're likely off the hook. Just continue looking at your feet, and do your best to avoid anyone in front of you - but you're so, so careless, as your parents used to tell you whenever you fell from the climbing frame when you were small, or when you spilled your hot chocolate all over your lap in the winter.

You've matured since then, however your carelessness is too deeply rooted into you for it to be discarded and forgotten - which leads to events like these. When deep in these thoughts, you haven't realised that you've just bumped into somebody.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. My fault." You say, almost robotically, too focused on trying to wipe your nose again, the rain overpowering you. You go to step forward around the feet you're staring at, that belong to a body, and a face you haven't bothered to look up towards.

"No, no. It's my fault. I should've cleared the way, you don't look so well." A deep, rich voice responded. You never expect an apology in return. Why would you? The city is filled with busybody's - everybody had a place to be, and they certainly don't have time to console a stranger, crossing their path in the middle of a swarming street.

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