The Greely Case

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Turning back to Seth and Richie, Greely says, "I'm gonna need a new number two."

"What? Mr. Greely, look-" Balthazar starts but Richie cuts him off.

"Yeah, we're gonna need a couple things, too."

"Like what?"

Seeing as he's agreeing with us, for the most part, I lower my gun.

Seth takes a step forward, leaning his hands on the table, "Meat wagon. Chilled." And that is exactly what we got.

While Mr. Greely had a truck brought in and told his workers what to do, I waited patiently in the loading dock. Before we arrived, I made a special call, my hope that he got it and would show up running my brain.

Sure enough, when his cowboy hat was seen in the door, a smile crossed my face.

Ranger Gonzalez walked over to me, causing me to climb off a box I was sitting on and join him on the floor. He held a map in his hand, a map that revealed the tunnels underneath us.

"Hey," I said as he stopped in front of me. "Thanks for helping us," I said, greatful.

Gonzalez nodded, "Anything to take these sons of bitches down. How are you doing?"

"Good," I said with a slight smile. "Really good actually. How's Kate doing?" I asked, letting out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. When the Ranger didn't answer and instead looked away, I held my breath again. "Ranger?" I asked, worriedly.

The Ranger sighed, looking up at me as he spoke. "Kate's been looking for Scott."

My eyes went wide, anger taking over me along with shock, "What? How could you let her do that?"

"I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen. Last I checked she was hunting him down near the border."

A groan left my lips as I ran my fingers through my hair, "Jesus, Kate. What are you doing?" I asked myself. This was why I didn't want her sticking around, so she wouldn't be tempted to hunt down these creators. Now, I'm fearful I've only pushed her in further.

Gonzalez put a hand on my arm, "Hey. She's be fine. She a brave kid."

My eyes looked back at the Ranger, "I know, that's my fear." With those words it, I turned and walked away.

The second I took a couple steps away from the Ranger, I quickly pulled out my cell again. I dialed up her number, holding it close to my ear. It rang and rang, only to go to voicemail like normal.

"Kate. Please, whatever you're doing, don't. I'm sorry but Scott's gone. I know you want him back, but... listen, I'm in the middle of something right now. But when I'm done, I'll find you and we can work together. Just, wait for me Kate. Please. Just wait for me."

With that, I hung up, looking down at my phone in worry.

"Hey," Seth's voice said, making me look up to see him walking towards me. "You okay?" He asked?

I nodded, "Sort of. Did you talk to Gonzalez?" I asked, shoving my phone into my back pocket.

Seth held up the map, unfolding it as we returned back to the box I was previously sitting on. "Map says the diesel repair is the way in, so we're gonna start there, all right?" he asks, pointing to the Freight Elevator. I nod in response, noticing Seth look past me.

My head turns, noticing the two guys that were loading up the boxes in the back of the truck. Seth quickly stops them, moving over to them. "Hey, don't stack those all together just yet, Hopalong. All right? We gotta make sure we got room for her box."

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