Chapter: Leading to the Party

Começar do início

"Yep," I nod too.

"So, do you want to practice some math?" she asks. "or maybe I can help in anything else."

"Sure," I take out a black journal book. "I actually need help in Spanish. You said you took it last year."

Leslie nods and stands in front of me. I notice she has a floral print long sleeve shirt. I also notice she is slim but a bit curvy, the shirt is not too tight or too loose. Her hair is in her usual messy bun and she has baggy jeans with black sandals.

She takes the journal and looks at my notes and assignment.

"Do a poem in spanish," she says, "That's easy."

"Well, I don't know any spanish, except 'gracias' 'hola' 'taco' and 'bonita," I answer.

Leslie has a question mark in her forehead, "why bonita?"

I shrug, "some latina girls are super cute. You say they are pretty, and you get a date."

She rolls her eyes while chuckling. "Well, okay, do you want to stay here or go to the library?"

"We should stay,"

She nods and begins to help me out. I end up writing about my dog Chu. I wanted to do a poem for Florence, but I need to shake her off my thoughts.

Leslie reads the poem out loud. "Good, not that bad."

I smile, "Thanks for the help. We should get going though."

She nods and helps me pack my stuff into my backpack. I open the door and look if anyone is watching, I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. We get out and begin to walk to my class.

"So, can I ask you for a favor?" Leslie asks.


"Do you think you can come with me to this thing?" she asks.

"what thing?"

She sighs, "My auntie's boyfriend is going to celebrate her birthday at his house. He is throwing a party. I bragged about you and Claire, and well, it will be weird if I ask Claire to go with me."

Is she asking me to be her date? Whoa, okay, Derek think about the consequences. She can get the wrong idea, but then again she already cleared that she doesn't like you that way. Well, we are friends, and i am curious to know how her family is.


She looks relieved. "Awesome. Then, I can call you to give the address once I am home and you can go!"

The bell rings, "Sure. I see you later." '


"I'm home," I say.

Lu comes in, "Hello, and Stan?"

"He left to work," I say. I begin to walk to my room.

"Wait!" lu taps my shoulder, "here. this was left at the mailbox."

It's a letter.

"Thanks," I get it and walk to my room. I sit on my bed and open it. It's from the University of Mississippi.

"We are honored if you and your family would join us for-" I crumble the paper into a circle and throw it to the floor. I can't get the scholarship anymore thanks to this stupid leg. I thought my mom took care of all this offers.

Great, I feel like crap now. I always get a constant reminder of what my situation is.

"You okay?" Lu asks.

Healing, Love, and High SchoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora