Loving You Isn't The Right Thing To Do ~ Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys! So, I'm sorry to say that this story is slowly coming to an end. I'll wrap it up in three or four chapters, but don't worry! My next story, which is probably going to be titled 'Crazy, Beautiful Life', is going to be uploaded within the next couple of weeks! But I'm not really sure when, because school starts soon and I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update and stuff, but either way, I'll definitely start working on it soon. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and please remember to comment, vote and fan! :) x


Kaylee spent the majority of the day with her face buried in her pillow, her door locked and the lights turned off. Oh, and having every single sad song she owned on repeat for at least four hours.

When there was a knock on the door, she refused to answer it. Yet the person that was knocking seemed persistent. ''Go away!'' She groaned loudly, her voice coming out slightly muffled from the pillow that was covering her mouth. Kaylee was surprised when there wasn't another knock, but also happy to actually have some peace. Seconds later, however, a key sounded in the lock and the door swung open. 

The blonde looked up to see who had managed to unlock the door, and found Niall standing in the doorway with a smug grin on his face. ''I do have another key, you know,'' He explained with a sheepish smile. Kaylee let out a frustrated groan and once again buried her face in her pillow. A sigh was heard from Niall and he closed the door. He slowly walked towards Kaylee's bed and took a seat carefully beside her. ''Kayls,'' He said softly, placing a hand on his sister's arm.

After much thought, she finally decided to sit up and actually look at her brother. ''What?'' She asked him with an angry tone. ''Chill! I just wanted to talk.'' Niall replied. Kaylee sighed and placed her hands in her lap. ''About?'' She asked impatiently. ''About what happened,'' The blonde boy replied. ''I don't want to talk about it.'' She said.

''Did you really kiss Zayn?'' Niall asked, regardless of his sister's anger. ''What part of 'I don't want to talk about it' didn't you get?!'' She asked him, frustrated. ''Kaylee,'' He said with a sigh. Kaylee pursed her lips together, knowing that Niall wouldn't leave her alone until he received an answer. ''He kissed me.'' She answered in a soft voice.

''And you kissed back?'' The blonde continued. She nodded sadly, ashamed of the fact. Silence fell upon the room afterwards, making Kaylee feel rather uncomfortable. ''Harry's heartbroken,'' Niall said after a while. Kaylee groaned once more, placing her head in her hands. ''He's never going to forgive me, is he?'' She asked sadly. Niall didn't have time to reply because the doorbell rang. ''I'll get it,'' Kaylee said quickly, inwardly hoping that it was Harry.

She ran downstairs and without hesitation, she opened the door to find someone that definitely wasn't Harry. ''What do you want?'' She spat bitterly. ''Hello to you, too,'' Zayn chuckled. ''Can I come in?'' He asked. The temptation to shut the door on his face was almost unbearable, but she decided against it. She made room for Zayn to walk in. 

He stepped inside and Kaylee noticed that he was smiling. The sight made her roll her eyes. He looked so pleased with himself, and it irritated her far too much.

''What do you want?'' She asked again, her tone cold. ''To talk.'' He replied, his gaze falling upon the shorter girl whose hair was in a messy bun and her face was red from crying. He hated to admit that a sudden wave of regret washed over him. ''Kaylee? Who is it-'' Niall called whilst walking downstairs ''Oh.'' He said once he saw Zayn. ''Hey, mate!'' Zayn greeted the blonde boy. Niall just shook his head and walked back upstairs.

''Harsh,'' Zayn mumbled. Kaylee crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Zayn expectantly. ''Say what you want to say and then leave,'' She said to him. ''Please.'' She added with an evident fake smile. Zayn chuckled, shaking his head. ''People, meaning Harry, needed to find out, Kayls.'' He said carefully.

''Don't you dare Kayls me, Zayn. I'm almost one hundred percent sure you totally ruined me and Harry's relationship, and if you think that that's the way you will get me then you're wrong!'' Kaylee answered angrily. Zayn's smile disappeared, and his gaze fell to the floor. Kaylee took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself down a little. ''Look, Kaylee, I'm sorry. I'm just tired of only being here whenever you need someone to kiss.'' He told her, staring straight into her eyes.

''Zayn, I'm sorry, but I think it's pretty obvious that I chose Harry.'' 

Zayn's expression became hard as stone. He nodded, and the anger was evident in his eyes. ''Fine. Whatever. Just don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart, alright, Kaylee? Don't even think for a second that I'll be here for you when things don't work out with him.'' He said, and tore open the door, storming outside into the rainy afternoon. Kaylee walked after him. ''Who do you think you are? Asshole!'' She yelled at him, anger blaring up inside of her. As she closed the door, she noticed that tears were falling down her cheeks. What had she gotten herself into?


Harry's green orbs stared at the many droplets of rain that were falling onto the window at a fast pace. The weather somehow seemed to match exactly how he was feeling on the inside. He was vaguely aware of the fact that somebody had opened the door and was walking towards him. ''Haz?'' A voice sounded from beside him and he turned to find Louis standing there with a sympathetic smile on his face.

Louis cleared his throat, making it obvious that he had no idea what to say to his best friend. ''I don't know if I can say, or do, anything to make this better, but..'' He began. ''But nothing, Lou,'' Harry replied, his voice slightly hoarse from not speaking to anybody for the past five hours. ''They both back-stabbed me. My girlfriend and one of my best friend. I don't think I'll ever get over this.''

The other boy nodded. ''I know, but.. tonight we're going to this party, and-'' Harry snorted. ''In case you haven't noticed, Lou, I'm not really in the party mood.'' He said bitterly. ''And don't even think I'll be coming if Zayn is going to be there.''

''It's funny, really,'' Louis laughed humorlessly. ''Zayn said exactly the same thing.. he went over to Kaylee's house.'' He informed the curly-haired boy and Harry looked at Louis with interest. ''And what happened?'' He asked. ''I don't think it went well..'' Louis said. ''What, he found her kissing another guy?'' Harry replied sourly.

''Just think about it, okay?'' Louis told him. ''We're leaving at eight thirty.. if you have changed your mind by then, you know where to find me.'' And with that, he stood up and left Harry wondering whether it was a good idea to go or not.

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