I Was Enchanted to Meet You (..Again?) ~ Chapter 13 (Part 1)

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This chapter is just a build-up to tomorrow's chapter, which'll be Harry, Kaylee, Louis and Taylor's double date. I don't know man, I just found myself awww-ing once or twice whilst writing this :3

Pleaaaaase remember to vote, fan, comment what you think, etc etc. I'm sorry this chapter isn't very special! Haha. I love you guuuuuys! <3

Enjoy! xx


''Harry - stop!'' Kaylee giggled, smacking Harry on the arm lightly. 

The two were walking down the street, hand in hand, on their way to a photoshoot that the boys had to do, then they would go with Taylor and Louis to get something to eat then go to the cinema. Halfway there, Harry randomly began singing 'One Thing' at the top of his lungs, causing a lot of people to turn in their direction. 

''Haaaz!'' Kaylee tried again, unable to control her laughter. She turned and saw two girls whispering excitedly, and could practically hear what they were saying. ''Is that Harry Styles? I think it is! Oh my god, isn't that Niall's sister? Are they dating?!''

Harry and Kaylee had been seeing each other every day for a week, but they hadn't really talked about what they were. They kissed, they took silly photos together, they rang each other every day, they sent cutesy text messages to each other on a daily basis, and basically did very couple-y things together, yet neither of them had announced ''We're dating!''.

''People are going to recognize you!'' Kaylee tried once more, and the boy finally stopped. ''Fun sponge,'' Harry teased, sticking his tongue out at the blonde girl next to him. ''Oh, shut it, Curly!'' Kaylee giggled.

Ten minutes later, they were still bickering like a married couple, and they had arrived at the destination of the photoshoot which was a large mansion. 

Kaylee stopped arguing with Harry long enough to stare wide-eyed at the huge house in front of them. ''Holy crap, this place is HUGE!'' She exclaimed. ''How could anybody afford this place?!'' She shook her head.

''Some people are crazy rich, y'know,'' Harry said with a laugh. 

''How can you not find this amazing?'' Kaylee asked him, finding it hard to believe that Harry was so comfortable with being at such a large and perfect place. Harry shrugged. ''Dunno, guess I'm just used to it,'' He replied. He began walking towards the door. ''C'mon, Kay, we don't have all day.''

Kaylee was still amazed by the house, but she started walking anyways. Inside was even more impressive than the outside, she decided as soon as she set foot inside the building. The room they were in was large. It was like something out of a movie, with two a huge sets of stairs leading to more rooms, two black leather sofas facing each other with a small glass table in between them, a plain white carpet on the floor- it was breathtaking.

Harry frowned, looking around. ''I think we are supposed to go upstairs..'' He stated, a look of pure confusion on his face. He looked so adorable that Kaylee couldn't help but lean in and plant a small kiss on his lips. ''Come on, then, what're you waiting for? I'm dying to see the rest of the house!''

And so they walked up the large stairs, and followed the voices they could hear further on. Whenever they entered a new room; Kaylee would let out a series of 'ohh's' and 'ahh's'. When they finally found the room where the rest of the boys were in, plus Taylor and about a billion other random people, Kaylee was almost speechless.

''Haz!'' Louis leaped up and ran over to the curly-haired boy, jumping into his arms. ''I missed you, my curly-headed soulmate,'' He said, running a hand through Harry's hair. ''Hey, Lou- hands off,'' Kaylee warned, feeling stupidly jealous. ''I'm afraid Harry isn't your property anymore.'' She smiled apologetically.

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