That's What Makes You Beautiful ~ Chapter 9

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It really has been two weeks, hasn't it? :O Holy hell. I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, SO sorry, lovelies! I understand one hundred percent if you hate me, but just remember that I still love you<3 Thank you so much, I've passed 7,000 reads! SAY WHAT?! I love you all so much, thanks for still supporting even though I never update! Now, I am not making any promises because I have a history of breaking them, but I will try my absolute hardest to update more now that school ends this week. I've just been so caught up with it that I have barely had any time for anything else. But I don't think I will be deleting, since a lot of you sent me kind messages and comments claiming that you don't want me to<3 Thanks again! Remember to comment- I read them all and they honestly make my whole month!- vote, become a fan, yadda, yadda. Okay, I've written enough! Now, on to the story!

This chapter isn't the best, but I felt the need to update for all you beautiful people! I hope you enjoy. :)



                                                               **2 WEEKS LATER**

It had been exactly two weeks, three days, five hours and three minutes since Kaylee Horan had last seen Harry Styles. And it had been two weeks since the video was posted, as well. Ever since then, Kaylee had gained and lost many followers on Twitter, and had been receiving numerous amounts of hate mail, although she promised Niall that she wouldn't read them. (She had broken that promise once or twice, however, just out of curiosity. It didn't end well; she turned to food for comfort that night.)

To say that Kaylee was missing the curly-haired dreamboat would be a complete understatement. Ever since the day he dropped her off outside her front door and left a sweet, small and simple kiss on her cheek- yes, she was rather disappointed that it wasn't on the lips but that doesn't matter- she was unable to remove the boy from her mind.

She still knew for a fact that she had definitely seen his face somewhere before, but she tried her best not to think about that. Besides, it was impossible that he was the boy she spent a lot of time with two (nearly three!) summers ago.. right?

Kaylee's thoughts were, rather rudely, interrupted when her brother came strolling into the kitchen and opened the fridge, rummaging around for something he could eat.

''Hey!'' He greeted her happily, humming to himself as he reached for a glass to pour some juice in. Kaylee didn't recognize the song; which she found weird, considering she pretty much knew her brother's iTunes by heart. He would constantly have his songs at an unbelievable volume whenever he would be listening to music.

''Hiya,'' Kaylee replied, taking another bite of her apple. Since she had been eating too much junk food recently, she had made a deal with herself that from now on, she would begin eating healthily again. The last thing she wanted right now was to gain weight. She couldn't help but enviously eye Niall's triple sandwich he was making, though.

The two remained in silence until Niall sat down, happily taking a bite out of his creation and making a noise of approval. ''God, I should become a chef,'' He complimented himself. ''I'd give you some but it's so good I don't have the heart.''

''Idiot.'' Kaylee giggled, sticking her tongue out playfully at him. Niall laughed, and Kaylee was surprised, considering whenever she would call him something like that he'd usually lash out at her instantly.

''Anyway,'' Niall began, taking another quick bite out of his sandwich before speaking again. ''Me and the boys will be recording in the studio today, and I was wondering if you wanted to co-''

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