Chapter Three

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"Why didn't you tell them?" Namjoon asked as he turned the ignition on and waited for the first car to drive out of the garage parking.

"They're going to fucking lose it when they find out... because they will..." Hoseok warned as he fixed his sunglasses.

"I know," I shrugged pulling out my phone.

"Of course he doesn't give a fuck!" Namjoon rolled his eyes looking at me in disbelief, "We just got out of a fucking mess and you don't care if shit blows again?"

"I'll take care of it Namjoon, I always have. Haven't I?" I raised my voice clearly showing my annoyance. I loathe feeling questioned.
"Haven't I fucking taken care of shit since I stepped up! Wasn't I the one that made fucking sure our name stayed on top even after the shit father left behind?"

"You're right!" Hoseok reached from the backseat to squeeze my shoulder. "Namjoon is just being paranoid, you know how he can get, in his defense we really can't afford to get our only allies against us."

"I'll take care of it. Nobody's go to go against anyone, and I'm not going to let anyone touch her or any of you." I relaxed my head on the headrest and closed my eyes.

"I'm sorry hyung, I have never doubted you," Namjoon began to speak before I raised my hand stopping him.

"Let me sleep or I'll fucking shoot you in the ass Joon," I mumbled earning a laugh from him.


"It feels so fucking good to be home," I groaned as I stretched stepping out from the truck.

"What are you on about? We've been home..." Namjoon retorted.

"He means it's good to be back to Eunmiㅡ" Taehyung answered behind me as the rest of the guys gathered around me, "now that she's back from the hospital he doesn't have to walk around and stare at his phone like a lost puppy!" he continued smirking.
"I think Taehyung really, really wants to get shot boss," Jimin raised a warning eyebrow at the younger.

Giving them a blank stare, I handed them their pay envelopes and walked past them towards the house. It was true, it was different getting home knowing she was here. I was ready to settle down and for that I had to eliminate any dangers, and goddamn was I fucking ready to do exactly that.


"Baby!" I immediately heard her voice resonate off the high ceilings before I saw he running towards me from the hallway.
"Hey," I managed to reply before she jumped on me immediately wrapping her legs around my waist. I grabbed onto her ass and gave it a squeeze earning a giggle from her.

"I missed you daddy," she whispered in my ear.
"Fuck, Ellen not now baby girlㅡ" I whispered planting my lips on hers attempting to control my thoughts before my body reacted to them here, in the middle of my fucking foyer, in front of everyone.

Interrupted by Namjoon's fake coughing I quickly put her down so she could greet the boys.

"Babe is he here?" I glanced at Ellen and she immediately nodded pointing towards the back door.
"I'll be back, let me talk to him alone," I said heading down the hallway before giving them a chance to reply.

This is for Eunmi. He helped you. He helped her. If you want this shit to end this has to work out.
It was hard, to put my pride aside, to forget about the past but surprisingly I found it easier when I knew that this was for her. I walked out into the patio adjusting my eyes to the sunlight and cleared my throat.
Minho turned around startled before breathing out a sigh of relief, "Well, shit, I didn't think you'd react this relieved seeing me" I mumbled as I walked towards him.

He let out a weak laugh before rolling his wheelchair in my direction.
"Let's sit," I motioned for him as I sat on one of the patio sofas pulling out a joint.
"That won't be hard for me," he commented, as he parked himself perpendicular to me.

I smirked at his sarcasm. I'm a dumbass.

"I didn't know you smoked?" he asked as I took a hit and offered it to him, he took the joint but immediately choked and handed it back.
"I rarely do, but these days I need to or I'll go insane, I'd rather get high than drunk..." I took two last hits before licking my fingers and turning it off.

"Look, Eunmi told me that you allowed for me to stay here until I recover but although I'm thankful it's not necessaryㅡ" he began to ramble before I raised my hand stopping him.

"She won't be comfortable if you're not supervised and I won't be comfortable if she's not here, this is her home and if she wants to take care of you while you heal then it'll be here, it's the only way and it's not up for discussion," I stated observing his hesitation.

He looked up at me and nodded "...thank you,"

"I'm doing it for her Minho," I interrupted again, "ㅡeverything I do is for her and for my family."

He looked down before exhaling a long breath "I understand, I suppose now is the time for an explanation on everything that happened?"

"Yes, I need to know your side of the story and most of all, how the fuck did you end up deciding to be on Ellen's side?"

"Yes, I need to know your side of the story and most of all, how the fuck did you end up deciding to be on Ellen's side?"

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I KNOW, I know it's been so long but I will be finishing this book my loves. Leave me your thoughts and predictions I'll be reading them 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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