"it's because of your son" the parents were surprised by the sudden words..

"your son saved me from myself then and now, he's been amazing for me. Like i said yesterday i may seem selfish but i really can't go on living without your son"

Kongpob who tried to look confident in front of Arthit that he could get his parents approval but really it was a 50-50 chance or maybe even less, he never even expected to tell them all this but if all this is to be able to get their trust and maybe a bit of hope that they might give in then why not?

Kongpob took his own hands and looked at them like he had a flashback for a second, visualising his bare hands covered in someones blood. That day sometimes feels like it happened yesterday but then he looks up to find not a dead corpse but loving parents.

Arthit's father felt like something was wrong and was about to just say something when a knock on the door was heard "i'll go get it"

Opening the door no one expected to see him today especially Kongpob who heard his name being called out, the running footsteps got louder as he came closer and the next second before you knew it Arthit was in front of him touching his face "P'Arthit what are you doing....and what are you doing here?"

"you really think i could leave you alone here? when i was in the taxi i told the driver to turn back around, i was worried that they might do something" the father closed the front door and went where everyone is and stood next to his wife "Oon did you think we would beat him up or something"

"no but after what happened yesterday-"

"P'Arthit i'm fine"

"i was just about to say something to him but i needed to say it without you hearing it"

The one who came in disruptively is now seeing there is no tension nor someone wanting to  hurt another, it was a total different mood than yesterday..

Arthit's POV

Before i had left this morning Kongpob still tried to persuade on me leaving since i had work tomorrow, i still couldn't leave him alone which is why i had the driver turn around and bring me back.

My feet leaded me the way to Kongpob in the living room before i could even think, i know it was bad and rude of me to ignore my father at the door but i was worried that they had done something like yesterday.

I saw no recent marks and i could finally be relieved and let go of his face when my father talked about wanting to have to say something to kongpob when i wasn't here.

Not caring if i object or not Kongpob walked away with my father so i can't hear leaving me alone with my mother. Sitting next to her i could see i had hurt her with my words yesterday even if she won't say anything. Her eyes said everything especially when her hand took mine 

"Oon do you love him" with no hesitation i nodded "okay, but listen i don't regret hitting him yesterday"

The sound of her laugh, her smile is all i ever want to see. To be honest i was worried about her too like what if she had collapsed again from this, because of me? i'm grateful she didn't...

"mae what do you think por is telling Kongpob" she shrugged her shoulders in response which got me even more curious...

My mother and i just sat in silence just being comfortable in each others presence until they had come back 

"i think i should go now" Kongpob said in confident clear voice getting me all confused, just what the hell did they talk about?

"you can stay here until you guys go back" 

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