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When Bright and Rome left they had gone to Rome's apartment, Bright dropping him off. It didn't get left with Bright leaving when Rome had made Bright come in by pulling him forcefully. Once in Bright had felt a bit of awkwardness when managed to sit down from again being nagged at to sit down by  the petite guy.

Bright probably probably doesn't know himself yet from the fact it's kind of obvious Rome has the upper hand in their "friendship"  if that's what they are or claim to be. Once Sitting down in silence not knowing why he had come in, the first time in here he thought he wouldn't enter in this apartment again because of his relation to Karn but now that's all solved the feeling in this room isn't bad anymore so maybe he had let Rome forcefully bring him in as he wanted to come in himself but couldn't bring himself to?

Rome was pacing up and down the living room "what are you doing?" Bright asked in curiosity and confusion on what's going on

"shhh" he had shushed him not wanting to be disturbed in his thinking process.

until he had halted his footsteps in front of Bright and looked him dead in the eye and said " i don't get it Why do you hate P'Kongpob"

Bright had gone wide eyed at the question being asked, shying away he looked down to avoid the eyes of the other...

who would've thought that's what he had been thinking about   

"i have an idea on why which i think it's ridiculous though" the curious guy looked up and asked Rome what he thought it would be...

"you blame Kongpob for what had happened to P'Arthit" he knew he had his thoughts right when he saw Bright with a shocked face on "really? P'Bright"

"what? it is" 

Rome had enough of this and thinks he has a way to fix all this and probably make Bright finally not blame Kongpob too much "you are so narrow minded, we might not know each other for too long but now i feel like i know you less from before. why don't you put yourself in P'Arthit's or P'Kongpob's shoe and see what they're going through"

"well if it weren't for Kongpob. Arthit wouldn't be going through a hard time"

Rome: "what about P'Kongpob? maybe he's gone through things harsher, have you ever asked how his life is? how important Arthit is to him? for him to be in so much pain that he went crazy enough to do that my brother"

Bright: "yea i don't know how you can actually forgive Kongpob for doing that, don't you feel hurt"

Rome: "i thought we went over this, i don't blame P'Kongpob i blame my brother for being stupid thinking he could beat P'Kongpob, and i'm probably choosing to forget about this than forgiving him because in those two weeks i've thought about this i can see P'Kongpob as a good person, and he literally saved me a person he didn't know"

Bright: "He's just a person who tends to rush in to things before thinking"

Rome: "which is good at times and probably stupid but he has good intentions and i know you care about P'Arthit but didn't you see them in hospital together, they care for each other, so you better start trying to approve more of their relationship"

Bright: "why would i when his parents don't even know about this"

Rome: "that's not your problem you just support them and not be another problem for them too, i think they have more than enough obstacles to go through"

Rome slapped his legs as he got up "okay want to eat anything" as he entered the kitchen....followed by Bright behind him..

"why do you care about their relationship anyway?" the boy was searching the pantry stopped his actions 

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