Chapter 12

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**Liam's POV**

"That's what make you beautiful!" Harry finished off the song. 

Currently, we are in the recording studio, practicing for the concert next week. Lauren and Maggie are here also, watching us and making wierd faces. 

"Bravo!" Ted, the sound guy claps as we exit the booth.

"You guys did great!" Liam says, hopping next to me. Literally, hopping.

"Thanks." We all said together. I snaked my arm around Lauren's waist and pulled her into me, lightly kissing her.

I looked over to my best mate, Niall. He and Maggie were laughing and whispering together. I could see his eyes, full of happiness and love. I mean, Niall is mostly always happy, but this is a different happy. A happiness that no one but Maggie could take away. It was about time he found love.

"Ready to head back to the hotel?" Harry asked.

"You guys go ahead, me and Lauren need to stop at the grocery store so we don't have to keep getting room service." Maggie said before calling Paul and getting a car.

"Have fun." I whisper to Lauren.

"I always do when it comes to food." She giggles.

In a matter of minutes we headed our seperate ways. The boys back at the hotel, the girls at the store.

                                                             **Lauren's POV**

"We need cookie dough, and icecream, and nutella...." I say, rushing down the aisles.

"Calm down!" Maggie says, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. We'll get some fruit." I smile, making her roll her eyes.

"Why are you so hyper today?" She asks, annoyed.

"Why are you so cranky today?" I spat back.

"Geez, calm the fuck down. It was just a question." 

"Yeah, well I'm aloud to be happy, am I not?" I said, raising my voice a little bit.

"Stop making a scene." She whispered.

"Whatever." I mumbled, pushing the cart through the aisles, grabbing whatever looked good.

Now that I think about it, that was as close as a fight came between me and Maggie. I've never really got mad at her and said something like that. I could always tell when she's in a bad mood, and she could always tell when I'm in a bad mood. That way, we knew when to back off. 

Once we were finished grocery shopping and headed back to the hotel, Maggie went into Niall's room, so I decided to stay in my room and eat. 

I was upset. I'm not really sure why, but I was. I might be because of my nightmare I had earlier, but I wasn't sure. I decided to text the one person I know would make me feel better.

To: Harry<3:) - Hug?!?!

In a matter of minutes, Harry carefully opened the door and looked at me with a sad expression on his face.

"You're sad. Why?" He said, sitting down next to me.

"I don't know." I say, starting to cry. Harry was quick to wrap his arms around me.

"Shh... Shh, don't cry." He says, trying to calm me, but it was no use. 

"Harry, I don't feel well." I say, wiping my tear.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

I try to stand up, but as soon as I did I fell back. I was unaware of what was happening, it felt like some one was sitting on my chest. My jaw was numb, and it hurt to breath. 

What was happening to me?





I opened my eyes quickly to be found, staring at a white wall. I tried to move, but it felt like I was frozen, or glued down to whatever I was laying on. 

Then it hit me. 

I was in a hospital. I quickly panicked, trying to find the nurse button. Once I found it I pressed it multiple times. Several nurses ran in, holding me down and trying to calm me.

"Why am I here?" I asked, once calm.

A nurse, maybe about 30 years old looked at me with sad eyes. "Sweet heart, you're in the hospital because you had a heart attack." 

My eyes went wide and a gasp escaped my mouth. A heart attack?



Tis be a short chappy arghhh.

I always wanted to do that! So what do you think is gonna happen next? Hmmm? Anyways, I was like, bawling my eyes out all day today because:

1.) Today is Demi's birthday, and I remember when I was like 9 or 10 and it was her birthday and I was so excited. I really do love that girl.

2.) I watched the Little Mix birthday uStream today. And I cried because I'm just so proud of them. :') Been there for them since Big Girls Don't Cry.

and 3.) I was just watching the original Titanic. 

ANYWHO, Vote, fan, comment, buy me a car.. whatever ;) xoxo Lauren

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