Chapter 7

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  • Dedikert til Best Friends <3

         **Lauren's POV**

 It's been over a month now, since Liam and I were together. Oh, and let's not forget, Maggie and Niall got together. Things have been grand! Liam and I fought over something stupid, but go over it, and Niall and Maggie stayed perfect. 

 We have exactly one week until school starts, and the boys go back to work. Let's not forget that Liam's birthday is coming up soon.

Anyways, right now Liam and I were at the store, grocery shopping.

"What do you want for dinner tonight?" Liam asks, wrapping his arm around me.

"Something healthy." I chuckle.

"Stir fry it is." He smiled and we walked down the aisle, hand in hand while he pushed the cart.

"Lauren?!" A female voice squealed. I turned around and I quickly felt the need to run and hide.

"Hi, Jacquelyn." I say, putting on my best fake smile. Liam looked down at me with a confused face, but quickly pecked my cheek.

You see, Jacque used to be my best friend. That is, until I realized that she was an arrogant, stuck up bitch and I acted just like her. Ever since I've been doing my best to ignore her.

"What are you doing here? And why are you with Liam Payne, oh my gosh!?" She squealed, once again.

"Um, Liam, this is Jacque. Jacque, this is my boyfriend, Liam." I said and Liam quickly shook her hand.

"Since when did you start dating celebrities? So what are you doing up here?" She asked once again.

" Maggie, my brother, and his band mates, and I are all staying at the bungalow up the road." I say, immediately regretting it.

"Well I'm staying right by there! Maybe I could come over later?" She says, staring at Liam the whole time.

"Actually, Lauren and I won't be there tonight." Liam says before I could talk. I could see him getting a bit annoyed.

"And where will you be?" She asks in an arrogant tone.

"Just. . . Out." He says, giving her a small smile.

"Well maybe I could visit you and the other guys another time, Liam?" She winked.

"Actually no. Because Liam is with me, Niall is with Maggie, and well, all the other guys are smart enough to realize that you're a bitch. So no, you can't visit them. And no, you can't just wink at my boyfriend when I'm standing right here. So back off would you?" I snap and Liam pulls me into him.

"And now I know why you're not popular anymore." She snarls before walking off.

"Someone got jealous." Liam kissed me and smiled.

"A little. More than likely, I was mad. I hate her." I say, grabbing some things off the shelf.

"Who is she?" He asked, grabbing my hand.

"Noone." I said flatly, then pushed the cart.

"You're home!" Louis screamed and hugged me.

"You didn't burn down the house did you?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"No, but Maggie's being mean to me. She said it was 'girl problems.'" He wrinkled up his nose. 

"Give her some chocolate and pain killers and tell her to shut up." I say, handing him the grocery bags.

I looked over to Liam who was currently on his phone, probably tweeting. As if on cue, my phone buzzed with a tweet from him.

@Real_Liam_Payne: Just went food shopping!:) Fingers are pointed to @Lauren_Styles to do the cooking.

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