Chapter 9

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**Liam's P.O.V**

"Liam I love you!" Fans screamed as we walked in the airport.

I smiled and waved with my free hand, the other hand intertwined with Lauren's.

The boys and I were headed for our flight to America soon, so the girls (Maggie and Lauren) came to say goodbye. The flashes of cameras blinded us and there were people screaming from every angle. I could tell Lauren was a bit scared.

"Don't worry babe, I have you." I whisper in her ear and kiss her cheek. 

As we came to a stop we looked at eachother.

"I'm going to miss you." She frowns.

"Me too babe." I lean my forehead on hers and brush a piece of hair behind her head.

Lauren quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me, so I hugged her back, enjoying every second of it.

"Liam..." Harry says.

"Right. I'll try to talk to you every day. I love you, and don't forget it." I kissed her one more time and walked over to the boys, still watching Lauren. Harry whispered something in her ear and she started to cry. He then pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"I'll miss you!" Lauren and Maggie screamed as we made our way to the ticket lady.

Once we were on the plane and relaxed I pulled out my phone to tweet. But as I was on twitter I saw a certain tweet from Lauren.

@Lauren_Styles: Goodbyes are so hard! Good thing I had #WaterProof mascara on.

I smiled and tapped in my tweet.

@Real_Liam_Payne: Off to the US! I miss @Lauren_Styles  so much right now it hurts.

"You okay?" Zayn asked, looking over my shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll just miss Lauren." I sigh.

"It's not like she's gone forever!" He laughed and went back to his original seat.

                                             **Lauren's P.O.V**

"I don't want to go to school tomorrow." Maggie cried into my pillow.

"I just want to crawl in a hole and sleep until the boys come back." I sob loudly.

Yep, that's what Maggie and I were doing right now; sitting on my bed and crying our little hearts out.

"Girls?" My mom knocked on the door.

"No now!" I screamed.

"I know you miss them, but stop crying so loudly, you're giving me a headache." She pounds on the door then walks away. 

Thanks for the support, mum.

"You know what will cheer us up? Fro-yo." Maggie said, wiping her tears away.

"After a hurricane comes a rainbow." I smile. 

And with that, we cleaned off our makeup and headed off to our favorite chill out spot.

"Lauren, Maggie! You're back!" Joe, the shop owner exclaims as we walk into the busy shop.

"Hi Joe!" We say together. God, we have to stop doing that.

"Will it be the regulars?" He asks as if he doesn't know the answer. We nod as he shuffles off to the kitchen.

Maggie and I make our way to our favorite booth and sit down.

"Oh my gosh!" A blonde girl screamed as she ran up to us.

"May we help you?" Maggie said in a snotty tone, making me laugh.

"Aren't your boyfriends from One Direction?" She squeals.

"And brother, yes." I roll my eyes.

"Wow! You're so lucky!" 

"Yeah." Maggie says flatly, again making me laugh.

"Girls!" Joe called, making us snap our necks in his diresction. Hehe, One Direction, direction, get it?

"Thanks Joe." I say, handing him money.

"Keep it. It's on the house since celebrities are eating at my shop." He grinned.

Maggie and I gave eachother a wierd look.


LOL at my sudden stop! Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I was in an out of the hospital because I keep having asthma attacks. But I will update tomorrow! So... VOTE FOR HARRY'S CURLY HAIR!

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