his mistress + k.s.j [2]

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You guys asked for it=))


"Y/n what the hell were you thinking cheating with jin?! He has a wife!" Suga fumed with anger as he just found out that his little sister was cheating with his hyung.

It was too much. You were too much.

He didn't know that his little sister that he loved and cared for, was becoming someone he opted her to be. That, that made him disappointed.

"I know! I KNOW YOONGI! That's why i wanted to end things with him!" You grasped your hair while closing your eyes shut. It was one of your habits when you're fighting with suga.

"I just can't believe you'd do such a thing! If it wasn't for hoseok i would've never knew!"

Hoseok knows

Hoseok knows

Hoseok knows

He knows. You were too guilty to face all of this that you couldn't even look properly at suga. You couldn't even take a single glance at him.

He sighed looking at your state. He knows you were guilty. What could he do? He has a soft spot for his little sister.

"Just... just go end things with him. Call him. Now." He leaves the room as you broke to tears.

He's right. It was your fault that you let jin to cheat with you. And you knew that he had a wife but you still
Got for it.


"Eun, I'm gonna go out and meet a friend, I'll be bck honey, love you" jin pexked her cheeks as she chuckled and hugged him.

"Better buy me ice cream on the way home!" Jin nodded as he went out of the door.

This is the day.

Break up with her.

Forget her.

You don't need her.

Jin repeated those words as he went inside the bar. He looked for you everywhere but you were not there. You usually go clubbing every weekend.

Sometimes guys hit on you, but you ignore them. You just came to drink your sorrows out.

He went to your housw instead, he knocked on the door as you opened it. He widened your eyes to see what state you were in.

Your eyes were red and puffy, your hair was messy, basically, you looked like a depressed shit right now.

"Jin..." you smiled sadly as you rubbed your eyes. "Y/n, i think we should end this." Jin recklessly said while giving a frown

"Find someone else please... for me. Im haply with my wife. Im sorry. Im sorry that i used you"

You slapped jin as you just processed what he just said. He used you. And you weren't aware with it.

You slammed the door into his face as you shed more tears. You couldn't take any of this. Sometimes, you get the feeling to just end you life.

Yes there will be part3💜

Should jin regret it or should y/n just move on

give me suggestions.

Plz pick im out of ideas

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