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Baku: I'm sorry for the other day, okay?

Kiri: It's alright.

Baku: Are you sure you don't want to get back at Mirai.

Kiri: I already have a boyfriend so pretending to date you would be weird.

Baku: Boyfriend? Who?

Kiri: Why is it your business?

Baku: Because.

Kiri: Shit that's really convincing.

Kiri: Okay. It's Todoroki.

Baku: That icy hot dude?

Baku: Why the fuck?

Kiri: Why not?

Kiri: He's beautiful, sweet, caring. He's really kind.

Baku: SO AM I!

Kiri: Ha. I wouldn't say you're 'caring'.

Baku: And why is that?

Kiri: My feelings obviously don't matter unless your satisfied.

Baku: That's not true. I do care.

Kiri: Do you care about me?

"Oi Bakugou! Get your ass in the ocean! James is waiting for ya!" Mirai called.

Bakugou sighed and left his phone on his beach towel. Walking past Mirai, Bakugou made his way to the crashing waves.

Mirai walked over to Bakugou's phone and began typing.

Kiri: Do you care about me?

Baku: Who the fuck would care about someone as useless as you? 😭 Your boyfriend probably is dating you as charity lolol.😖 You really should watch yourself.🤔 I would give anything to wrap my hands around your neck and choke you to death. 🙃Be warned you little cunt.🙏🙃

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